This is a mix of review, explanation, and feedback.
You’re going to need to get creative in how you hold and move your device and probably yourself to solve puzzles with pieces that move in multiple ways. If you don’t want to look like someone who’s super confused by the device you’re using, don’t play in public.
Delightful intro, then straight into gameplay after a decent tutorial. I would love a gallery to see what I’ve fixed, and perhaps the occasional new video while progressing. The artwork is by far my favorite part of this game and the video moves too quickly to get to appreciate some of it. The UI could stand to improve on the level selection screens. Even just being able to back out to the initial screen to reduce the “wait, am I just like stuck here?” feeling would help.
Basically do some dancing with your device to put together what would otherwise be simple puzzles. Difficulty ranges, and there are times when you may get stumped. There is a timer on the levels, and a best time leaderboard. My primary suggestion is to allow an untimed mode, perhaps when you’ve already solved the level, just to be able to appreciate the mechanics more under less pressure.
This is probably way easier on a phone than a tablet. Just be aware that if you’re getting this for a larger device, you may want to leash train your iPad to avoid an accident. Just be mindful while playing. Things I could see happening: dropped phones/tablets, knocking something over (like your coffee, which you really needed RIP), elbowing someone nearby on accident, people being concerned for your well-being.
Enjoyable and has good potential. Can’t wait to see what comes next. Definitely want to be able to “appreciate” it more. Thanks, team!