TACFIT 101 timers added to the Protocols list for quick access.
UI Bug Fixes
Major User Interface Updates
Minor Bug Fixes
*Dark Mode interface fixes*
iOS 13 bug fixes
Audio now allows background music at full volume levels
Added TACFIT FireFighter Protocols
Bug Fixes:
Compensation Timer Counter
Auditory notification adjustments
Bug fix:
Actively hides Bottom TabBar on iOS 7 on the iPhone 4/4s
Fix for Iphone 4 iOS 7 showing Top and Bottom Bars blocking timer controls.
Bug Fixes.
- Quick Code Custom Timer Creator
- User Interface fix for time appearing on Controls
- Updated ready to go TACFIT Protocol Timers
- New User Interface
- new timer controls allow you to fast forward or rewind time
- new pause mode allows you to quickly skip through timer blocks
- Rewind time to before your workout to get 15 seconds pre workout prep time
- Background Music now lowers in volume to allow clarity for timer alerts
- Intelligent TACFIT Recovery alert sounds for TACFIT Protocols
- Quick custom timer creation using our Quick Code Timer Creation System
QUICK START GUIDE to the Quick Code Timer Creation System
20/10 = 20 seconds work then 10 seconds rest
20/10*8 = (20 seconds work then 10 seconds rest) 8 times
+60 = one minute recovery
+1! = one minute recovery
30/30+40 will result in 30 seconds work and 40 Seconds recovery because if a Rest block precedes a recovery block it is omitted.
Similarly 20/10*8+60 results in the last rest block being omitted.
If you wish it to remain then you need to use [20/10*8]+60
Below is a detailed explanation of the quick code timer creator system
-Entering the quick code for the timer
-Valid characters are:
- Numbers 0-9 used to represent the quantity of seconds desired
- "!" An exclamation mark after a number represents minutes
- ">" or "<" This works like regular brackets in maths except that they
DO NOT imply multiplication
- "*" The asterisk implies that everything before it must be multiplied
If found immediately after brackets then only the bracketed content
is multiplied
- "/" The forward slash is used to separate "Go" and "Rest" couple
and must be used after a Go time is specified
20/0 = 20 seconds Go and 0 seconds rest
- "-" The dash or minus sign is used as a quick separator
indicating that the next value is a "Go/Rest" value block
- "+" The plus symbol indicates that the next value is a Recovery block
- "∞" The infinity symbol
- If used as a value then the counter will remain on that block
until you press the pause button followed by the fast forward button
then play to continue your workout
- If used as a multiply value, a break out of infinite loops panel will appear,
and the entire block to be multiplied will be repeated infinitely until you set
the break out of infinity count to the desired quantity of infinite loops from
which you would like to escape during your workout.
Fixed in v1.1.4
ESIK Music now defaults to off
Press the music icon at the bottom right to play the music
*** Enhancements in TACFIT Timer v1.1.3 ****
1) Media Update! ESIK is in the House.
- On the home screen
- Click on his logo below for everything ESIK
Fixed Protocol 5 [90/30x2]5 for proper circuit functionality.
################ COMING SOON ##################
TACFIT Timer v2.0
Many enhancements PLUS iPad specific upgrade!
Email us features you would like to see in v2.0
*** Enhancements in TACFIT Timer v1.11 ****
*Fix Requirements for program set to iOS4.2
Currently blocking some clients from using the app.
**** Enhancements in TACFIT Timer v1.1 ****
1. Allows music from other programs to continue playing during your exercise.
2. Double buzzer signal for end of and exercise to allow better differentiation between round end and exercise end.
3. Tripple buzzer signal to signal end of session.