Update 7.6.8 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
- stability improvements
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.6.7 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
- stability improvements
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.6.6 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
- iPad, score matrix: Detailed data in note cells were not displayed after leaving the app in some cases
- When text completion was turned off, letters were not accepted in some cases
- Various minor stability improvements and bug fixes
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.6.5 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
- Fixed a problem when using FaceID for the first time
- iPad: Display problem with cross scrolling fixed
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.6.0 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
+ Insert grade: New option "Insert intermediate category" - a category is inserted between the existing one and its content (counterpart of "Flatten").
+ Share register: A printout of the planning entries is now also possible
+ Share course data: The option is now again accessed through a global "share" icon in the toolbox, rather than through the right side menu
+ Task/Exam Grades: The output format can now be set to " Achieved score" in addition to " Tendency" and " Decimal
+ New sorting scheme: Course members can now also be sorted by attendance
- When saving a DB under a different name, the absence entries were lost
- The date of absences and remarks is now kept constant regardless of the local time zone.
- Settings dialog for coursebook printouts no longer uses popup menus but the usual TT selection menus
- Point totals in exams were sometimes not displayed
- Improved tolerance for the case when a course cannot be loaded because its saving was interrupted by shooting the app down in the middle: In this case, the last successfully saved version of the course is now reverted to
- iPad, Grade Matrix: Improvements in cross-scrolling
- Scale editor: problems with switching the threshold relation fixed
- Fixed bug where WebDAV syncs might not have been executed completely
- Other stability improvements
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.5.10 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
+ iPad, seating plan: The currently selected person is now also marked as selected in the seating plan
- Entering grades via seating plan: Occasionally, a grade entered was assigned to the wrong student.
- If a course was cancelled "today", it still appeared in the course list under "next".
- Fixed an error in the logic for finding the next course date (if there were several timetable entries in a week and one of these dates was marked as "cancelled" in the regsiter, the rest of the week was not considered in the search)
- File: when exporting databases (e.g. share database) the file was not found by the iOS file dialog
- minor stability improvements
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.5.9 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
- minor optimizations
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.5.8 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
- If changes were made in a course and then the database was changed, this course could possibly appear in the other database after a restart
- Networking: Acceleration of all network operations, thus noticeably faster transfer of databases and courses
- Networking: The current device might have been listed in the server list (bug introduced with 7.5.6)
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.5.7 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
- If changes were made in a course and then the database was changed, this course could possibly appear in the other database after a restart
- Networking: Acceleration of all network operations, thus noticeably faster transfer of databases, courses, iCloud authorization and working with TeacherTool Desktop (TeacherTool Complete only)
- Networking: The current device might have been listed in the server list (bug introduced with 7.5.6)
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Hotfix 7.5.5 / 7.5.6
- In rare cases TeacherTool could hang at startup
Update 7.5.4 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
+ Networking: The device name to be used for TeacherTool networking can now be defined arbitrarily.
+ Storage > Automatic backups: It is now possible to irrevocably delete internal backups that are no longer needed.
+ Global Student List: The list is now always sorted by last name in ascending order (independent of the settings in the individual courses).
+ CSV import: New column titles "Class" and "Year level" are now recognized and entered
- Better error handling for incorrectly entered WebDAV login data
- Improved content-hiding of the user interface in the background
- iPad: If a note was entered and quickly switched to the next by swiping, Undo did not work correctly
- Timetable: If an "empty" day was assigned courses and a period was clicked during the entries, there could be a crash
- On January 1st all students were listed as birthday children
- Grading system Stadtteilschulen HH: E1+ is no longer listed, neither is E5
- Increased stability when changing databases
- Renaming a database and activating an automatic backup could cause courses in that database to also appear in another database that was later loaded
- WebDAV-Sync: If "Data storage exclusively on WebDAV" was used and synchronized on a very fast server, the database could be displayed as "empty" on the next restart of the app (backups were still usable)
- Various stability improvements
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Hotfix 7.5.5
- In rare cases TeacherTool could hang at startup
Update 7.5.4 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
+ Networking: The device name to be used for TeacherTool networking can now be defined arbitrarily.
+ Storage > Automatic backups: It is now possible to irrevocably delete internal backups that are no longer needed.
+ Global Student List: The list is now always sorted by last name in ascending order (independent of the settings in the individual courses).
+ CSV import: New column titles "Class" and "Year level" are now recognized and entered
- Better error handling for incorrectly entered WebDAV login data
- Improved content-hiding of the user interface in the background
- iPad: If a note was entered and quickly switched to the next by swiping, Undo did not work correctly
- Timetable: If an "empty" day was assigned courses and a period was clicked during the entries, there could be a crash
- On January 1st all students were listed as birthday children
- Grading system Stadtteilschulen HH: E1+ is no longer listed, neither is E5
- Increased stability when changing databases
- Renaming a database and activating an automatic backup could cause courses in that database to also appear in another database that was later loaded
- WebDAV-Sync: If "Data storage exclusively on WebDAV" was used and synchronized on a very fast server, the database could be displayed as "empty" on the next restart of the app (backups were still usable)
- Various stability improvements
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.5.4 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
+ Networking: The device name to be used for TeacherTool networking can now be defined arbitrarily.
+ Storage > Automatic backups: It is now possible to irrevocably delete internal backups that are no longer needed.
+ Global Student List: The list is now always sorted by last name in ascending order (independent of the settings in the individual courses).
+ CSV import: New column titles "Class" and "Year level" are now recognized and entered
- Better error handling for incorrectly entered WebDAV login data
- Improved content-hiding of the user interface in the background
- iPad: If a note was entered and quickly switched to the next by swiping, Undo did not work correctly
- Timetable: If an "empty" day was assigned courses and a period was clicked during the entries, there could be a crash
- On January 1st all students were listed as birthday children
- Grading system Stadtteilschulen HH: E1+ is no longer listed, neither is E5
- Increased stability when changing databases
- Renaming a database and activating an automatic backup could cause courses in that database to also appear in another database that was later loaded
- WebDAV-Sync: If "Data storage exclusively on WebDAV" was used and synchronized on a very fast server, the database could be displayed as "empty" on the next restart of the app (backups were still usable)
- Various stability improvements
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.5.3 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
+ Networking: The device name to be used for TeacherTool networking can now be defined arbitrarily.
+ Storage > Automatic backups: It is now possible to irrevocably delete internal backups that are no longer needed.
+ Global Student List: The list is now always sorted by last name in ascending order (independent of the settings in the individual courses).
+ CSV import: New column titles "Class" and "Year level" are now recognized and entered
- Better error handling for incorrectly entered WebDAV login data
- Improved content-hiding of the user interface in the background
- iPad: If a note was entered and quickly switched to the next by swiping, Undo did not work correctly
- Timetable: If an "empty" day was assigned courses and a period was clicked during the entries, there could be a crash
- On January 1st all students were listed as birthday children
- Grading system Stadtteilschulen HH: E1+ is no longer listed, neither is E5
- Increased stability when changing databases
- Renaming a database and activating an automatic backup could cause courses in that database to also appear in another database that was later loaded
- WebDAV-Sync: If "Data storage exclusively on WebDAV" was used and synchronized on a very fast server, the database could be displayed as "empty" on the next restart of the app (backups were still usable)
- Various stability improvements
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.5.2 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
+ Networking: The device name to be used for TeacherTool networking can now be defined arbitrarily.
+ Storage > Automatic backups: It is now possible to irrevocably delete internal backups that are no longer needed.
+ Global Student List: The list is now always sorted by last name in ascending order (independent of the settings in the individual courses).
+ CSV import: New column titles "Class" and "Year level" are now recognized and entered
- Better error handling for incorrectly entered WebDAV login data
- Improved content-hiding of the user interface in the background
- iPad: If a note was entered and quickly switched to the next by swiping, Undo did not work correctly
- Timetable: If an "empty" day was assigned courses and a period was clicked during the entries, there could be a crash
- On January 1st all students were listed as birthday children
- Grading system Stadtteilschulen HH: E1+ is no longer listed, neither is E5
- Increased stability when changing databases
- Renaming a database and activating an automatic backup could cause courses in that database to also appear in another database that was later loaded
- WebDAV-Sync: If "Data storage exclusively on WebDAV" was used and synchronized on a very fast server, the database could be displayed as "empty" on the next restart of the app (backups were still usable)
- Various stability improvements
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.5.1 / 7.5.1 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
+ The current database can now be renamed directly by clicking at the name.
+ Student basic data: The affiliation to a class can be specified
+ Global settings: It is now possible to specify which subjects the user teaches.
+ Course settings: The subject and course type of the course can now be specified.
+ Grade settings: For each grade column, it is now possible to specify separately whether it should be hidden in printouts and PDF reports.
- When using "Storage WebDAV only", the database name and other metadata could be lost after exiting and re-enabling the app
- Register entry: if a task was newly entered and then the attachments were changed, the task text was deleted again
- Global settings: Newly entered data could be reset if the display changed in SplitView or StageManager
- Drastic acceleration of memory operations for large databases
- TT-Tutor: When (re-)importing lessons, TeacherTool created courses and / or persons again if necessary
- iPhone: Cross-swiping on page remarks or absences could lead to a crash
- Various optimizations in display and memory requirements
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.5.0 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
+ The current database can now be renamed directly by clicking at the name.
+ Student basic data: The affiliation to a class can be specified
+ Global settings: It is now possible to specify which subjects the user teaches.
+ Course settings: The subject and course type of the course can now be specified.
+ Grade settings: For each grade column, it is now possible to specify separately whether it should be hidden in printouts and PDF reports.
- When using "Storage WebDAV only", the database name and other metadata could be lost after exiting and re-enabling the app
- Register entry: if a task was newly entered and then the attachments were changed, the task text was deleted again
- Global settings: Newly entered data could be reset if the display changed in SplitView or StageManager
- Drastic acceleration of memory operations for large databases
- TT-Tutor: When (re-)importing lessons, TeacherTool created courses and / or persons again if necessary
- iPhone: Cross-swiping on page remarks or absences could lead to a crash
- Various optimizations in display and memory requirements
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.4.10 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
+ Global settings: It is now possible to specify that UNDO actions have to be confirmed before execution
- Stability improvements
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.4.9 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
- If the app was administered externally and WebDAV was used, the device name to be used (File > Device name) could no longer be changed
- WebDAV Sync: optimizations in error handling
- iCloud Sync: More tolerant handling of sync conflicts
- Minor bug fixes and stabilizations
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.4.8 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
- Eliminates a crash cause, by which e.g. remarks / checklists could no longer be entered
- Removes a problem with the detection of connection problems and error messages from WebDAV servers, due to which the sync process was not aborted in the event of an error
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.4.7 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
+ Basic data: New email and phone fields for second guardian.
+ CSV import: Import of the new master data fields possible (column name "Email parents 2" and "Phone parents 2")
+ Global settings, grade entry, swipe gesture: It is now possible to set whether the swipe gesture in the grade entry dialog should switch to the next student or to the next student with a grade that has not yet been given
+ Entering grades via keyboard: The new behavior as with the swipe gesture can be triggered by pressing "ALT + arrow key" or "ALT + return".
- Problems accessing the keychain under macOS Ventura fixed
- Stability improvements: WebDAV sync and behavior after database switch
- Data overview: Subtasks of an exam were not listed as well
- Data overview: Corrected the indication of the weighting for task grade types.
- If student pictures were imported, this change was only visible when the program was restarted (info: automatic import only runs in views where the course list is visible)
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.4.6 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
- When using the function "Data storage exclusively on WebDAV server" a loss of student images could occur in rare cases
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.4.5 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
+ iPhone: When entering grades, the weight is now also directly visible in the grading tree.
+ Networking: An existing connection is no longer terminated immediately upon exiting the app, but only after 20 seconds. This makes it possible, for example, to switch to the split view while networking is in progress.
+ Register entry editor: Arrow buttons can now be used to switch directly between entries in the course book.
- Register entry editor: Text fields enlarged
- iPad: height of column titles in the performance table optimized
- Basic data: Current changes were discarded again when assigning a photo
- Grade parameters: The grading system selection dialog now sets the checkmark for the currently selected system at the top, in the "Favorites".
- Data security assistance: "Actions since backup" and "Last backup" now both trigger a backup
- Absent are...: Layout improved when a menu is expanded at the bottom of the screen
- Stability improvements
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
HOTFIX 7.4.4
- Creating a new course crash issue solved
Update 7.4.3 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
+ Course settings: Here, the seating plan name display can now also be configured (thus now also possible on the iPhone).
+ CSV files are tested for reasonable size before import.
- Course import: before course import from other database or from contacts, it was not checked if iCloud authorization was present
- Course settings: If the course name was changed here and then another label was selected, the old course name was set again afterwards
- WebDAV-Sync was not completely executed after database change
- WebDAV-Sync accelerated
- WebDAV-Sync reacts more tolerant to error messages from the other side
- TT password manager improved - did not work with timetable import
- Pasteboard security prompt on TT startup optimized
- Crash when adding students in French localization fixed
- Switching between light and dark mode improved
- Switching between regular and compact mode for some dialogs improved
- Absent are..: Layout improved, switching menus improved
- iPad: Display of newly entered points in tasks was not updated when switching quickly
- iPad: After moving the note input dialog the comment field was not updated
- iPad: Note column titles are now always 3 text lines high, so the weight symbol remains permanently visible even with longer note names
- iPad: Student context menu sometimes closed again directly
- Timetable > Edit other timetables: After editing time periods, the display jumped back to "today's" weekday
- Timetable: Duplicate period failed if this "merged" more than one gap in the timetable
- Timetable: Navigation when autom. changing current plan size (autom. zoom in/out) improved
- Checklist: If an empty seat was clicked when creating a checklist in the seating plan, there was a crash
- Minor improvements
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.4.2 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
+ Course settings: Here, the seating plan name display can now also be configured (thus now also possible on the iPhone).
+ CSV files are tested for reasonable size before import.
- Course import: before course import from other database or from contacts, it was not checked if iCloud authorization was present
- Course settings: If the course name was changed here and then another label was selected, the old course name was set again afterwards
- WebDAV-Sync was not completely executed after database change
- WebDAV-Sync accelerated
- WebDAV-Sync reacts more tolerant to error messages from the other side
- TT password manager improved - did not work with timetable import
- Pasteboard security prompt on TT startup optimized
- Crash when adding students in French localization fixed
- Switching between light and dark mode improved
- Switching between regular and compact mode for some dialogs improved
- Absent are..: Layout improved, switching menus improved
- iPad: Display of newly entered points in tasks was not updated when switching quickly
- iPad: After moving the note input dialog the comment field was not updated
- iPad: Note column titles are now always 3 text lines high, so the weight symbol remains permanently visible even with longer note names
- iPad: Student context menu sometimes closed again directly
- Timetable > Edit other timetables: After editing time periods, the display jumped back to "today's" weekday
- Timetable: Duplicate period failed if this "merged" more than one gap in the timetable
- Timetable: Navigation when autom. changing current plan size (autom. zoom in/out) improved
- Checklist: If an empty seat was clicked when creating a checklist in the seating plan, there was a crash
- Minor improvements
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##
Update 7.4.2 with the following new features (+) and improvements (-)
+ TeacherTool password manager: A password manager can now be switched on in the privacy wizard. Known passwords (i.e. those that have been entered at least once since the manager was switched on) can then be used by TeacherTool itself when loading databases.
+ Calculation accuracy: It is now possible to round calculated grades to "half grade level".
+ WebDAV-Sync: Folder name of the device on the server can now be set freely in the login data (File > Folder name of this device)
- Register: function "Create entries until" did not work if the date of the first school day was in the future.
- Basic data: Changes to input fields were lost when selecting a color label
- MDM administration: FreePersonalRemarks was not interpreted
- Layout problems in the course list fixed
## DO NOT FORGET: Perform a backup before each update! ##
## NEED HELP? Visit https://teachertool.de/support/ ##