Tenerifepip is an app for mobile devices developed by Excmo. Cabildo de Tenerife, as a part of the pilot project 'El Teide a nivel del mar', funded within the scope of the initiative 'Tenerife Tres-i'.
The presented work is the result of interdisciplinary colaboration between the Cabildo's areas of Planificación Territorial (Territorial Planning), Desarrollo Económico (Economic Development) and Museos de Tenerife (Museums of Tenerife).
This proposal's main objective is to launch a strategy to uncover the value of Tenerife's heritage. To achieve this, natural and cultural points of interest have been studied and characterized on three routes in the northwestern region of Tenerife. The gathered information has resulted in products like this app - Tenerifepip (PIP stands for 'Puntos de interés patrimonial' or 'Heritage Points of Interests') - associated to a free access database; open to companies willing to use this information.