In all honesty, when I first heard the name and concept, I was momentarily turned off, even wondered whether it sounded a little offensive. Still, I was curious enough, especially seeing the reviews, so I figured why not? I'll give it a shot!
Best. Decision. Ever! This is an *incredibly* fun game. I rarely review games, most often only doing so for epically good or epically bad games. This falls in the former. I absolutely loved it, so much so that I finished the whole game, all 100? levels, in a WEEK! So I was SO GLAD to see that you can continue playing FOREVER, even after you finish the main levels!! Yes, the infinity levels are mainly just the old levels on shuffle, but honestly, it never gets old. Normally, I hate redoing the same things on repeat, but there are enough levels that you never feel like you're redoing old content. I love it so much that not only am I playing every day, but I'm already at Infinity level 140 & still going!
I absolutely, wholeheartedly recommend this game. Get it! You won't regret it, I promise you. I almost wish I could purchase something in-game, just to give a little back to the devs. Frankly, I can't see any faults with the game. Honestly. Maybe wanting more levels and more cosmetic options, but that's just a pure bonus & to have even more to love! To the devs: Thank you guys for an awesome game! Keep up the good work! :)