It’s a pretty great game, first of all. Would highly recommend! It’s very pleasant and relaxing, the music and the art is beautiful, and it’s definitely addictive to play. Unfortunately, that’s where my only complaint lies.
I love this game, but I think that you should be able to quit the game with your score saved, instead of having to have your light burn out.
I’d been playing for a while. My first score in the game was 77 days, and I thought, “I can do way better than that!” So I played until I had 1076 days logged. Then I waited, and quit to the main menu so that my score could be 1077. It would have been so satisfying; but my score is still 77!
It’s not a huge problem, it’s really just an annoyance, especially to more competitive people. (That’s why I’m still rating it 5 stars.) It would still be nice to be able to quit and get your high score, though.
Other than this? Amazing game, top notch. It’s one of the only games I actually spent money on, and that was partly because it was so cheap, which I greatly appreciate because not many people have a lot of money to spend on game upgrades. It is so peaceful and beautiful. Great job on this app, I will be keeping it installed and looking forward to updates.