Absolutely the BEST GAME EVER! Part 3 The Quest Continues!
Having solved The Room 1 & 2 with complete puzzle solving satisfaction, my only quibble was that I solved them so rapidly I wish they were more lengthy. Small quibble indeed, though, as with each revision The Room becomes even more elegantly lavish, both audibly and graphically! But the graphics are the SO spectacular, they can be awe inspiring! Combine these attributes with the intricate movements, precision of delicate instrument tuning, and overall originality of all devices, rooms, and environments there within, and this series stands out as THE BEST GAME, period, that the Apple App Store has to offer!
Having just dove in to the 3rd offering from this first class app developer, in can already feel the wonder and intrigue engulfing every sense of my human being. These are truly wonderful pieces of hidden adventure and mystery just waiting to be tested and tasted by anyone who has a keen intrigue into solving the mysterious and surrounding ones self in pure fascination!
I have not been so enthralled by a scenic, mysterious, adventure in the puzzling genre since the, so long ago, original, awe inspired story wrapped in a puzzle, surrounded by a riddle, and hidden within an enigma, since the MYST series of computer games!
If you want to heighten your ever curious sense of mystery solving just purchase this game. It is well worth the price of admission!