The Simple Pedometer Cheats

The Simple Pedometer Hack 1.52 + Redeem Codes

World's First 3D Run Tracker

Developer: Kirk Kaminsky
Category: Health & Fitness
Price: Free
Version: 1.52
ID: com.kirkkaminsky.SimplePedometer


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The simplest, nontrivial, noninvasive, light *footprint* (get it?) pedometer app for iPhones (5s or later with built-in motion co-processors).

• no registration or internet access required (privacy). Only contact with server is to check for updates.
• basic app functionality is free with no advertising
• lightweight: app size is < 1MB
• no active resource usage (unless you explicitly enable and start run tracking): basic step-counting does not use battery-draining GPS, or use push notifications: updated only when you want it to update.
• does not run in the background (unless you enable badge displays... which are updated at a schedule set by iOS); you can even kill the app - as long as it is run at least once a week (the limit of the iPhone's onboard internal history) your daily step count will be queried from the phone and logged to the step history.
• stopwatch mode: start and stop tracking your steps within a time interval on demand
• graph your step history by rotating to landscape mode
• pan step history graph to view different date ranges
• challenge yourself by tracking your moving average number of steps
• long press and then drag to select a range and display the cumulative step count
• triple-tap a step count bar in landscape mode to make manual changes to the step count for previous days.
• simple light and dark themes
• Enable run/hike mapping with GPS assist to plot your route and produce essential statistics... unlock the 'Run Archiving and 3D Display' feature discussed below (now free!) to persist your runs across launches and add a vertical dimension to your data... as far as I know, this is the first app to offer this.

The two advanced features that were formerly in-app purchases available allow you to:

• save/archive your GPS-assisted runs/hikes (grouped into monthly runs) in a highly compressed format for future reference, and (unique to Simple Pedometer as of this writing), present your run/walk/hike data in an elegant 3D view so as to annotate significant altitude changes (gains). In 3D view you can display the individual speed, distance, altitude coordinates of your run or hike, and see your net approximate elevation gain; also unlocks unlimited run/hike mapping;
• annotate your step history with comments, and export your data via e-mail as a simple comma-delimited text file.

Please note: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life. (In my testing on an iPhone SE and 7, about 3-5% per hour running in the background.)
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Version history

• Updated for iOS 12 (and 13-ready).
• In-App purchases removed: ALL features are now free (annotations/data export, run/hike archiving and 3D display).
• Improvements to the Metal engine, bug fixes.
• Manual date/step count management features added (e.g. delete or swap a date)
• version update checks over SSL (better privacy)
V1.51 important bugfix:
• fixes a run/hike mapping edge case accidentally introduced in V1.5 where the map bounds in a *closed loop* run/hike would not be correctly updated when the app was put in the background or the phone locked, and then not re-opened until the loop was closed. (My apologies.)

Here are the V1.5 release notes:
• Updated for iOS 11/iPhone X
• Annotations/Data Export In-App Purchase is now free! (Still implemented as an IAP.)
• 3D hike/run-mapping graphics completely re-written in Apple's low-level Metal API (from now deprecated OpenGL) for future-proofing
• Pause mode added to hike/run-mapping
• Improvements made to 2D hike/run displays
• Point displays can now optionally show running average speed (instead of erratic GPS instantaneous speeds)
• Added ability to manually edit historical dates (display format) to deal with time zone/DST issues (Simple Pedometer records 'timezone/DST agnostic' 'absolute' times which can cause issues.)
• Other bug fixes
• Updated for iOS 11/iPhone X
• Annotations/Data Export In-App Purchase is now free! (Still implemented as an IAP.)
• 3D hike/run-mapping graphics completely re-written in Apple's low-level Metal API (from now deprecated OpenGL) for future-proofing
• Pause mode added to hike/run-mapping
• Improvements made to 2D hike/run displays
• Point displays can now optionally show running average speed (instead of erratic GPS instantaneous speeds)
• Added ability to manually edit historical dates (display format) to deal with time zone/DST issues (Simple Pedometer records 'timezone/DST agnostic' 'absolute' times which can cause issues.)
• Other bug fixes
New features:
• zoom, pan and display cumulative run and speed information in 2D run/hike mapping by long-pressing + left/right drag
• elevation gain (approximate) computation in 3D run/hike mapping (replaces Horizontal Distance in 2D view mode)
• run/hike settings added: metric/imperial, GPS supplied or calculated information, vertical accuracy cutoff for initial GPS altitude measurements
• run/hike mapping feature discoverability improved
In addition to these new features from the recent V1.3 version:
• 24 hour step counting view
• 'badge' step count (using silent local notifications/background fetch)
• you can now manually edit *today's* steps
• optional assisted-GPS walk/run-tracking, with 3D run-tracking and run archiving (as an in-app purchase)
• critical: timezone/DST bug fix that could lead to missing or duplicated step count data (Hopefully this has finally been fixed!)
• 2D run/hike plotting error that caused systematic shifts relative to the underlying map data
• auto-rotation error on exiting run/hike view in landscape mode
• other minor bugfixes
• 24 hour step counting view
• 'badge' step count (using silent local notifications/background fetch)
• you can now manually edit *today's* steps
• optional assisted-GPS walk/run-tracking, with 3D run-tracking and run archiving (as an in-app purchase)
• various bugfixes (including a timezone change bug)
New features:
• manually edit any *previous* day's step count (by increments/decements of 50 steps) by triple-tapping on a step count bar in landscape mode.
• data export/annotation option (in-app purchase) now allows you to option export multiyear (i.e. all) data in addition to selected ranges up to to a year.
• the internal stepHistory file can be backed up manually through iTunes, for exporting to a new device or re-importing after resetting an old one.

• Fixes a critical bug introduced by the last version on first launch, so that now motion tracking permission is requested from iOS only after the main UI becomes visible. (Previously the app would appear to hang on the 'launch screen', which is required for multi-phone resolution support, because the system request for motion tracking permissions would not appear over the launch screen. Resolution would require the home button to be pressed, permission given, and then a relaunch of the app: inelegant to say the least.)
• Fixes a calendar bug on exporting data to csv format: the week of the year was being exported ('YYYY') instead of the calendar year ('yyyy'), so the last days of December were displaying the wrong year in the exported csv file.
• Fixes a minor UI bug on re-launch/update where the step history picker was trying to update on a background thread, and so only the current date was temporarily visible.
• updated for iOS 8/9 and to natively support 4.7 inch and 5.5 inch screens on iPhone 6(s), and iPhone 6(s) Plus
• adds the ability (via in-app purchase) to annotate your historical step counts so as to explain to yourself what it was you did six months ago when you walked 30000 steps.
• data export is now part of this in-app purchase
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