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Dive into Thinkster's comprehensive stream of polls featuring topics ranging from politics, current events, personality traits, relationships, food, sports, and entertainment!
Contrary to other social networks, when you respond to polls on Thinkster you have no reason to feel uncomfortable stating your verdict, regardless of your opinion or belief. It doesn’t matter if the question is coming from our administrators or other Thinkster users, you're asked for your response, and you'll never be responding alone.
Learn the opinions and beliefs of your friends! Once you respond to a question, you're capable of both viewing the responses of those you follow and the ability to filter the results by age, gender, location, ethnicity, and the religion of respondents.
Settle age-old debates with Thinkster! Curious who the best rapper of all time is? The funniest stand-up comedian? The most exciting action movie? Download and find out!
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Whether you're looking to meet new friends or a romantic partner, Thinkster has you covered!
Swipe through our users to find the perfect match! To ensure it's the right person, Thinkster provides you with your compatibility with the user on the other end of your swipe.
Thinkster doesn't just show you your compatibility with the other users, we go one step further. Thinkster provides you with your compatibility in regards to relationships, entertainment, politics, food, and personality to ensure you make an informed swipe!
Having trouble thinking of a first message? No problem! Before you swipe, you’ll be provided with all of your mutual beliefs and opinions with the person you're looking to chat up!
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