TimerBuddy Boxing Round Timer is a FREE timer to track your Rounds, Rest, Warning and overall time Boxing, Kickboxing, BJJ or MMA tracker.
TimerBuddy is a community of like minded workout enthusiasts with a feed section to post your workout videos and posts.
Use it TimerBuddy for boxing training, MMA, HIIT, Sparring or any other sport requiring rounds.
Fun and realistic sounds for bells, warnings, & prepare to fight!
Main features: simplicity, just enough configurations, works from background and with locked phone, can listen to iPod music at the same time.
Features in details:
- Support for saved presets
- Customizable round end, start, warning & rest sounds
- Works in background and in locked device.
- You can listen to iPod music and run TimerBuddy at the same time
- Saved Stats on number of Rounds and Time