In the near-distant future, Earth is protected by a series of orbiting asteroid missile basses. These Titans orbit the Sun in the solar system, watching and waiting for any threat. Now the worst has come to pass. An unknown threat has managed to destroy all of the Titan defense bases, leaving the one last base to defend the Earth and mankind - Titan Prime.
Take command of Titan Prime's defense systems and fight off wave after brutal wave of enemy attack. Expect countless unmanned bombs, MIRV-warheads, Smart-Bombs, Bombers, and even meteor showers to rain down destruction.
Controls to play Titan Prime are extremely simple - just touch the screen where you want to launch interceptor warheads. The trick is being fast enough to destroy the attackers before your base is completely destroyed.
- - - - -
- - Universal Binary - play on devices with iOS7.0+
- - Campaign Mode
- - Quick Play
- - Training
- A stunning soundtrack that will keep your fingers flying
- (7) different Enemy types
- Stunning graphics of the Solar System
- Auto-Save functionality allowing players to pick-up the campaign where they left off
- Additional Content to come!