How fast can you count?
In Toadstool Tally you have 5 seconds to count the toadstool you see the most of!
Available in three difficulties so the whole family can enjoy!
A note about advertising and tracking data.
At Suspension Studios, we believe that games should be available to everyone, and the best way to accomplish that is to make them free. However, making games is a difficult and time-consuming process and deserves compensation. We rely on advertising to make money and advertisements that track your data are the best avenue for us. When the game first launches, it will ask your permission for allowing tracking data or not, you are fully entitled to not be tracked as it is your right, but I ask you to consider allowing tracking to allow us to keep our games free.
note about advertising and tracking data. We believe our adverts are fairly placed and not intrusive to the player experience - we would welcome your feedback on this.