Played 4 different slots (about 30 minutes total) after downloading. WHY do some developers CHANGE A PLAYER’S BET AUTOMATICALLY????? I think this is so wrong! It happened after I had a “Huge Win”. After that win I didn't winning anything for 8-10 spins…I was going to lower my bet and THAT’S WHEN I SAW MY BET HAD INCREASED! Which perfectly explains why, after huge win I won zero. Win big=MY bet, unbeknownst to me, is raised=LOSE LOSE LOSE=ONLY IDIOTS WILL PAY REAL MONEY AS THEY BELIEVE THESE APPS ARE RIGGED!
No oversight means GREED WINS. Think about it…if nobody is watching ( like the gaming commissioner in Vegas) and there are zero repercussions if the developers cheat the players then I’d guess 99.9% are going to rig these games. No thank you.