Transformers: Robots in Disguise Cheats

Transformers: Robots in Disguise Hack 1.9 + Redeem Codes

Developer: Hasbro, Inc.
Category: Games
Price: Free
Version: 1.9
ID: com.hasbro.TF360APPSTORE


Game screenshot Transformers: Robots in Disguise mod apkGame screenshot Transformers: Robots in Disguise apkGame screenshot Transformers: Robots in Disguise hack


DOWNLOAD NOW!! THE TRANSFORMERS ROBOTS NEED YOUR HELP! The Insecticons are everywhere and we need your help to defeat them! Take control of your favourite characters, collect energon, and unlock power modules to gear up and defeat the Insecticons.

▶TAG TEAM GAMEPLAY:Bumblebee can’t take them all on by himself. Select a teammate to take into battle with you. When Bee gets tired his parner can take over and finish what he started.
Discover lots and lots of new Autobots and Decepticons characters to unlock along the way from
▶CUSTOMIZE your character with new weapons and boosts by collecting Power Modules throughout the game.
▶CHANGE into Vehicle Mode, rev your engines and smash into your enemies, knocking them out of action!

During 2015 you’ll be able to unlock your new Transformers “Robots in Disguise” Toys in the game by scanning the new Transformers “Shield” icon. (See game for more instructions). All unlocks are available through play, no purchase necessary to enjoy the game.

Other than for downloading and updating the game, Transformers Robots in Disguise game does not require an internet connection (3G or WiFi) and rest easy, it has NO in app purchases.

iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad Mini (Retina)
iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 & 6 Plus
iPod 5th Gen
Other devices may be compatible but are not supported.

Hasbro, Transformers and all related logos and character names and trademarks are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. © 2014 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved.
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Version history

This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

Minor bug fixes and improvements
Minor bug fixes and improvements
"The War rages on, but we have a new weapon against the enemy. The COMBINERS are one of the the largest, most powerful robots on the team. Our victory is assured?" – Optimus Prime
▶ UPDATE – Added COMBINER FORCE characters.
▶ UPDATE – COMBINER FORCE toys unlock Tickets for in app rewards.
▶ UPDATE – Map screen.
▶ UPDATE – Unlock the classic STARSCREAM charcter, now available in game.
▶ NEW – Lots of added characters to play and unlock.
▶ MORE Minor tweaks and tune-ups continuing to improve the App.
▶NEW – Lots of added characters to play and unlock.
▶MORE Minor tweaks and tune-ups continuing to improve the App.
OPTIMUS PRIME – I’m sending you reinforcements. We’ve enlisted the help of the MINI-CONS to get the upper hand on the enemy. Don’t let their size fool you, they pack a punch.
NEW – Team up with a MINI-CON partner.
NEW – Updated Interface
NEW – Lots of added characters to play and unlock.
NEW – Easy access Power-up menu
Arabic Language
Different Bug fixes and game polish
NEW - Decepticon Tower game mode. Get as far up the Tower as you can
NEW - Ultra Sparks premium currency. Earn it by playing and by scanning your toys
NEW - Spend your Ultra Sparks on the new premium characters: Ironhide, Prowl and Razorpaw
NEW - Earn stamps for every toy scanned on the new Collections page
NEW - Mini-Con power-ups added
NEW - 36 new character variants
UPDATE - Automated Daily Prize
UPDATE - Bug fixes and more
Connection issue has been resolved. Thanks for your patience!
Autobots Roll OUT!
▶ Updated Interface
▶ Power ups are now easier to pick up
▶ New languages Available (Polish, Turkish, Czech, Slovakian, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish, Danish, Finish, Norwegian)
▶ Added mission finished sequence
▶ Added comic book story images
▶ Added many more unlock codes. Keep searching!
▶ Minor tweaks and tune-ups continuing to improve the App.
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Ways to hack Transformers: Robots in Disguise

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3.8 out of 5
1 551 Ratings


sserfbgbun u.,
Oh my gosh
So this morning I remembered that I had a auto bot toy so went to get it when I got it I started playing I tried to scan but it didn’t work so I assumed my iPad just needed to be cleaned of data so that’s what I did then I tried to scan again and it didn’t work so I decided to play it tomorrow the next day I tried to scan but it just went from black to white to the starting screen if it’s just me then I’m sorry for wasting your time if it isn’t then I think the developers or whoever help them should fix this and thank you to anyone that was kind enough to read this
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Pretty good but BIG problem(Updated)
So a few years ago I got this on my iPad and liked it a lot! I even got a toy with one of the scannable logos, but there is a gigantic problem! I decided to get this on my phone, and I had to restart the entire game(which makes sense) but there was a problem. Right after the tutorial level the game wants you to scan a toy, or atleast show you HOW about to scan the toys(I can’t scan my toy because the logo sticker fell off). But during the loading screen between Fixit telling you about toy scanning and the thing that’s probably related to the scanning, the game would just close, not completely, but if I ever went back in, it would go right to Fixit, loading screen, then kick me out. I hope you can Fix the glitch because I kinda wanna play this again.(I hope no one else is experiencing this glitch) Until I’m able to play, I have to set this at 3 stars because it was nice, but I can’t play it now.


I was still angry, and trying to get the game to work. I decided to turn off the camera in the settings for the game in the settings app, and the game started working. What the heck was that solution!? For anyone whose having that same problem and wants to scan toys, I haven’t turned camera back on yet, so you might be outta luck. I’m keeping it at three stars for reasons.
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This game is super boring. It’s only fun for like 7 minutes. Also the controls are horrible. Instead of having a joystick and a few buttons you have to hold and drag where you
Want your character to move, tap to punch/kick, hold down for a while to shoot, and hold them let go to dash at someone. These controls makes the game super complicated and frustrating to play. Most of the you’ll just be tapping at the screen hoping that you’re hitting the enemy. And you have to get new characters by getting the toys and scanning them. And if you don’t play the game for 24 hours you need to scan them again which is just annoying. Instead of getting them with coins because that makes sense. And each character is the same with slightly different animations. And transforming in this game in a attack for some reason instead of a way of transport. Transforming in a transformers game should be like getting g around faster and running away from enemy’s. It also doesn’t help that alot character designs are really bad. Bumblebee looks so weird. Same with a lot of the transformers. So this game’s controls are a jumbled mess and are herd to use and very frustrating, all the characters are the same and you can only get more by getting the toys, and the models aren’t good. If you
Want a good fun transformers game this isn’t it. If you want a fun portable transformers game get a wii emulator and play the transformers prime game are get the transformers prime game on your 3ds.
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Amazing 😉
Even though I’m a girl I watch transformers with my bro I love it 🥰 my bro downloaded this game and I tried it then I downloaded on my iPad super cool 😎 though thanks byeee wait I wanna say something when u battle when the decepticons do there shield u can’t hit from the front but me and my bro discovered that u can hit them from the back even if there doing shield pretty cool I love the game I have windblade bumblebee and cuz I just downloaded the game few days ago I only have those two but I have 1288 so I’m thinking to buy titan windblade which is with 1500 but all I’m saying is that I love the game I just want u to make it online like me and my bro and sis and friends what to play against each other and when ur a decepticon like maybe underbite or speedjaw or megatronus/megatron u have to battle autobots like bumblebee windblade strongarm sideswipe and the scan doesn’t work so yeah
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not sponsored by the behemoth,
Decent time
I don’t really like the RID2015 show, but this game was pretty good. I got it to try the scanning sticker on the Robots in Disguise toys, and it’s underwhelming. According to the toys packaging, scanning the figure would unlock the character in the game. I scanned my Starscream figure and it just gave me in game currency. I had to play for about an hour to get enough coins to buy the character I thought I unlocked by scanning the toy. Then I scanned Grimlock and he got unlocked right away! Anyway, the game itself is ok, but I have plenty of other games that I could play. If you want to squeeze some extra fun out of you RID2015 figures, go ahead and download it. But if you want a good beat em up game, go get Castle Crashers Remastered. It’s like $15 bucks and you can play with friends.
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Caleb. M.,
Issue with scanning
I played this when it was first coming out and I loved it, I recently re-downloaded it as well as Angry Birds Transformers. While it was giving me the tutorial, I had to go to the scanner camera. If I click on it, it loads for a few seconds and proceeds to send me home. I am unable to continue with the tutorial/game without doing the scanner but I can’t. I’m not sure if it’s because of my device, but the most recent update says 2015. I tried deleting the app and downloading it again, shutting my phone down and everything.
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The game is amazing
I like how you can scan the toys and you can play them in the game but the major bug in the scanning button in the game has been annoying people from time to time so this request is being sent to hasbro and I’m hoping you guys can do all you can in the next update to fix this bug and I’m requesting this because I’m doing this for the people playing the game to have a good and amazing time and for the people at hasbro not to get stressed about this bug so I hope all of you to have a great day.
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Spitfire Blaziken,
First of all it’s completely free, no IAPs (In app purchases). Secondly it’s fun. I wish that the latest characters (Blurr, Bludgeon, Twinferno, etc) were in the game, though. Also sometimes I try to attack a decepticon but it acts like i was trying to dodge. Could you fix that? Also I noticed that if you switch between Crash Combiners enough times, the words Crash Combiner will get smaller and the game will freeze. That’s actually pretty hilarious but it could use a fix. But overall a great game. Also I’m excited for the Bumblebee movie. #blitznotscream
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It was fun until something happend
I was really into the game when I was about 5 and I played it so much. The thing I loved about it was that you can scan the toys and then use them in the game. When I turned 6 my iPad got a old and couldn’t work later on I got a new one. I downloaded the game as fast as I could I went into the scanner and as soon as I clicked the scanning button. It kicked me straight out of the game I was really upset. The problem is I can’t figure if this is an issue with my iPad or the game. I’m also wondering if you guys could fix this sometimes when I attack a enemy in a level sometimes it try’s to dodge.
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jt ozzz,
Idea for u guys for an episode please use it
Awesome game love it I also love the show I actually have an idea for an episode a person who is a racer comes to the scrapyard what’s to buy a new racing car when he sees sideswipe in his. Vehicle mode and wants to buy him but Danny clay said no soo the guy comes back late at night and steals sideswipe and sideswipe can’t transform or go any were or do anything with that guy around soo the bee team has to find a way to free sideswipe
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