I get that they’re trying to be creative and tricky, but that means that the puzzles demand that you be able to play a bit before deciding on your answer. On some puzzles, your first contact with the screen means you’ve chosen your answer, so doing anything wrong costs a life. On others, you HAVE to touch the screen and move some stuff BEFORE your answer, but previous questions have trained you not to touch anything unless you’re sure. Some clever logic and analytical puzzles, but the process of actually playing the game makes it basically boil down to: 1) see the obvious answer, don’t choose it, 2) then think creatively, but be afraid to do anything because it’s never clear when you will have crossed the line. Also, some puzzles are just broken logically. E.g., you can’t teach me to be hypercritical of the word choices and then have a woman presented as a fiancée...except it’s spelled fiancé, which would be a man, and the ring is on the wrong hand. Most importantly, the game only allows ITS creative solutions, even though others would also work. E.g., some puzzles surprise you by making use of input methods you hadn’t thought of, but the game will only accept those inputs on certain puzzles. In short, think outside of the box...whoa whoa whoa, not like that. Do it this way instead. You know, like inside the box.