Tired of taking recommendations from strangers?
Unleash the power of your inner circle and find babysitters, dog walkers and other service providers trusted by people you know. Each service provider has to be endorsed by at least one existing member who vouches for them.
Real people: verification of user accounts is the core of the TrustedNation charter. No fake accounts, ever.
Real connections: find services that have been verified, endorsed, and recommended by your friends and friends of friends.
Real endorsements: every service provider has been vetted by at least one other member of TrustedNation.
Features on the TrustedNation app include:
* Find service providers near you endorsed by your friends and friends of friends
* See how you are connected to the person you are hiring
* Post services you provide and connect with those interested in working with you
* Search for reviews and recommendations before you hire someone
* Endorse the people you know as trusted members of the community
* Message other members with questions or referrals for jobs they post
Version history
New screenshots
Fix bug with push notifications
Complete redesign, update to focus on finding trusted service providers.
It works well, it is easy to sign up, the interface is simple. There are lots of options for service professionals and I plan to find all contractor needs here in the future.
Jon Jake Beck,
Seamless interface, great life hack
In a bind for any type of service (anything from massages to real estate brokers), app provides the detail you need to make informed decisions and feel empowered by them. Love the app!
Really helpful!
Was able to find a last minute pet sitter that had been endorsed by a friend. The pet sitter was excellent and we now use her all the time.