Alright. First things first, I would like to point out that some of the reviews say “It isn’t working for me” or “This doesn’t actually work” but it literally says this when you get the game: “This is for entertainment purposes only. It doesn’t actually work, it’s just to joke around with your friends.” And that’s what annoys me! It says that it doesn’t actually work, and that it’s just to play with your friends, so quit saying it doesn’t work when it’s supposed to do that.
Now, I haven’t figured out how you switch it from truth to lie to random yet (if you haven’t gotten the game yet that might confuse you), so that’s why I’m giving it four stars.
I’ve done this trick to my friend, and I laughed quite a bit when she was freaking out because she had told a truth, but it detected ‘lie’.
This app is a good one when your just having some fun with friends, and so I recommend it if your JUST TRYING TO JOKE AROUND, AND NOT EXPECTING IT TO TELL THE TRUTH. (Pun not intended ;D)