Unit Converter is a simple, smart and elegant tool with more than 12 categories of units that are used in daily life. This is the only Unit Converter App in itune store that has such a wide range of Unit conversion features with very simple and optimized user interface.
Unit Converter provides quick and accurate unit / metric conversion in an extremely easy to use and intuitive UI.
Stop looking through long confusing lists for that one unit you wish to convert; simply type it into the search box to get the unit you need to perform conversions on.
Unit conversions and calculations are displayed immediately with inputs being done via an in-built calculator for easier computations of complex problems.
Can't remember metric conversions such as length from miles to kilometres, weight from pounds to kilograms, fuel consumption from miles/galleon to km/litre and temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius?
* Supported Units list
- Basic : length (distance), area, weight (mass), volume (capacity)
- Living : exchange rate, temperature, time, speed.
Unit Converter is 100% free to use.
Download Unit Converter now!