Looks like Big Fish heard the outraged cries from the last Puppetshow game crashes, and gave us another game early. This is an oldie (released back in Dec. '14 on PC) but so far it's not half bad and shaping up to be a decent time-waster.
The story: you are a gypsy "finder" (slight twist on the usual detective), hired to find a missing girl. Interesting take on the historical Countess Elizabeth Bathory de Ecsed who was a serial killer in the late -1500's who supposedly killed hundreds of young women. The game doesn't skimp on this background with a fairly graphic opening scene.
Game mechanics: smooth transitions between scenes, mostly clear graphics, somewhat cartoonishly drawn characters. No custom mode of play, but there is a transportable map which shows areas of action.
Goodies: collectable, morphing tarot cards in each scene - some of them fairly well blended into the background. HOGs have some variety, most with small interactions needed, silhouette versions.
Upcoming games from Big Fish:
Dark Parables: Goldilocks and the Fallen Star (3.4 stars, Eipix, Nov' 15)
Fear for Sale: House on Black River (4.3 stars, EleFun, Mar. '16)
Phantasmat: Behind the Mask (4.3 stars, Eipix, Dec. '15)
Cadenza: Havana Nights (3.9 stars, Mad Head, Mar. '16)
Artifex Mundi:
Lost Grimoires 1 (hoping they bring this to iOS when released on Nov. 10th)