Wow. I played Wizardry 1 as an 8 year-old the year it came out. Loved it. This is a very good replica but it’s flawed in a few ways: spell names are arbitrary (“silence” makes sense but “vajra” doesn’t). Without documentation, it’s hard to learn what each spell does. Items are often misspelled (“ring of thunger” is related to thunder” and I’m not sure what “blin” or “blain” refer to… blind?), saving is simple but restoring is VERY confusing. Sometimes it works, usually it doesn’t. Occassionally characters just disappear from the training grounds. It doesn’t happen often, though. The levels aren’t exactly like the original, which is okay. But there are way too many teleporters on several levels. It makes it a little silly to try to walk around. And I could be wrong but it seems like the dungeon map levels go 1,2,3,4,8,9…? Anyway, I’m enjoying it and using Murphy’s Ghost way too often. Oh and there’s a Valkyrie class which must have snuck in from Wizardry 5 or something. As far as I can tell it’s just a better Lord (amazing fighter, good priest). You can have parties with mixed alignments (good, neutral and evil) so as far as I can tell, alignment doesn’t matter too much except for switching classes later. If you switch classes from a spell-caster, your spell points will change to all 3’s. Can’t remember if that happened in the original game.