The game is quite challenging. You have to be careful how fast you progress, since Valkyria doesn't level up. She gains levels based on the average of three characters. To top it off, it is quite interesting that the team sent to Valhalla cannot be edited equipment or level wise, so you have to really take some time to level a proper team. Progress doesn't take too long if you know what you're doing as well. Even more, you can lose all souls and chests earned from a dungeon if you lose, but the game allows at times a video to save your earnings. In short, make sure you're prepared, and this game aren't for those who cannot think ahead. As I said it's fun, and quite challenging.
Editing review.
Now that I have finished the main story. There isn't much to the story but it is interesting. I also noticed something with a previous game of the company. It seems that the Automatic RPG is a prequel that leads up to Valkyria's role to stop Ragnarok so I'd recommend playing that as well. Anyway, Ragnarok is half the main story. Then it's Punish Loki. I won't spoil it, so play and get there. I will warn you to kill Odin after beating Ragnarok lvl 40, since that's when he will stop buffing Valkyrie. Unlock Yggdrasil that way. Which then you get access to end game perks and gear. Yggdrasil also gives more runes than Odin. Anyway once you beat Punish Loki you unlock Master Dungeon. Mad Tower is unlocked after beating the twelfth stage in the human world, not sure when that is gonna end. It's pretty much grind and grind like Disgaea after killing Odin, so have fun with the game ^^.