Although the concept of the app is not bad, we just went through two levels and the sentences themselves are poor. Students are asked to look at two sentences and decide if what’s been added in the second sentence tells what, where, etc. Unfortunately, it seems as if the sentences were just put together with random endings that don’t always make sense. For example, “The boy carried the plate.” and “The boy carried the plate in the car.” were two of the sentences. Although “in the car” told where…why would a boy carry a plate in the car? To the car, maybe, but “in” the car? Another was “Mike dropped some coins” and “Mike dropped some coins with Gina”…really? Students who are struggling readers are trying to make sense of what they are reading. If the sentences themselves don’t make a lot of sense, knowing if what was added was a what, where, why, or who doesn’t really help them comprehend. I shared with a reading specialist in my building and she was appalled! Sorry, but the sentences need work.