This game is fantastic. The gameplay is great, and the challenge increases at just the right pace. The power-ups were well-planned and are extremely helpful.
Is it strange to say that my absolute favorite part of the game is the owl's expressions as you play? I love when he's happy that you got a good word. I love that when you hit "shuffle" he does a little dance. I love that when you're thinking of a word, he also has a pensive look on his face. I even love that if you start a word and then back out, he looks slightly annoyed for a moment.
If I were to make one suggestion, it would be to make the music somehow loop into itself so that it could be an ongoing track. It's a little distracting that the song plays through, stops, then starts again. I really like the music, but I've turned the sound off because when a song has a beginning and an end, it seems to give my brain more of a sense of just how long I've been playing, and it makes me anxious. I'd rather just while away the hours with this addictive game without being reminded that I have other things to do.
In short, I love this game!! And if that cute owl makes an appearance in another app, or say, on a T-Shirt, you just let me know! :)