WordsMine! is a top 1 application in Vietnam that helps you learn a new language just by browsing the Internet and more.
WordsMine will help you to acquire new vocabulary from anywhere at any time - when you're surfing the web, reading books, even when you see a new word in a poster on the street.
Install in a blink of an eye
- It only takes two clicks to get started
Lookup definition at your fingertips
- WordsMine automatically translates keywords that you double-click right in your desktop and mobile web browser
Practice what you've learned
- Play flashcard to review your new vocabulary quickly and take your word bank to the next level
Imagine the infinite capacity
- As you save more vocabulary, WordsMine let you explore more cool features tailored to your needs
Help keep WordsMine working on your favorite sites by emailing
[email protected]
- Users now can move the definition popup so they can focus on what they're working on while enjoying the definition look-up experience.
- Move the Vietnamese definition position to the top area in the definition popup so Vietnamese users can see the definition in their native language immediately.
- Users can enable/disable double-click definition popup in Quick Setting in extension menu and definition popup.
- Users can go to the app setting through the definition popup.
- There are many other improvements and bug fixes to improve platform quality this time.
- Introduce a new dashboard, users can try out our new dashboard from the extension with more powerful features.
- There are many requests that users want to check word definition on the fly while surfing the web browsers, so we made it for you.
- Users can disable the definition lookup feature right in the definition popup and enable it later in the user setting.
- Other improvements and bug fixes.