This is a app to deliver daily a digest video in large quantities such as soccer , tennis , rugby , baseball and golf .
Various sports news from around the world have been up to YouTube . However , from the huge stock , it is really hard when you attempts to locate the only pictures of the value . At that time what it is the turn of this app .
For example, if you press button of the basketball , variety of basketball - related videos , including the latest results of the NBA are extracted in one fell swoop , it ordered to up date order . When you press the button of the winter sports , the latest videos of skiing , skating and snowboarding are automatically collected and displayed .
1 Automatic Classification -- All sports news are classified in 10 types of sports , soccer , rugby , golf , tennis , basketball , american football , winter sports , motor sports and other .
2 Preservation -- You can preserve any movies that you love into the archive .
3 Auto finishing -- When movie is finished , movie player is automatically closed .
4 Updating -- With update_button you can download new movies .