Xavion Cheats

Xavion Hack 3.16 + Redeem Codes

Developer: X-Avionics, LLC
Category: Navigation
Price: Free
Version: 3.16
ID: com.LaminarAvionics.Xavion


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In flight, Xavion constantly imagines engine-failed glides to every runway in gliding range, and then shows you the safest-possible route as a Highway-In-The-Sky to take to an airport in the event of engine failure. This, finally, gives you guidance after an engine failure that is based on energy-management all the way down, where the computer does the glide-planning for you… you just fly through the hoops to the runway. Xavion also has instrument approaches in 3-D for the United States, so you can simply select any approach and then fly through the hoops to fly it!

As well, Xavion tracks other airplanes via ADS-B, and memorizes their location to track their WAKE TURBULENCE, moving the wake turbulence down and with the wind over time, showing the wake turbulence as little spiraling tornados. Finally, an App that tracks and shows you the wake turbulence of other airplanes.

As well, Xavion gets ADS-B weather if you have a portable receiver, and displays it, including the new icing, turbulence, and lightning products. Xavion also gets METARS and winds aloft from the internet if you have a WIFI or cell signal to help you plan before a flight!

Also, Xavion checks your weight and balance, and even estimates your takeoff distance and compares that to the length of the runway that you are about to take off on to warn you if the available runway length from your current location is marginal for a safe take-off.

Also, Xavion estimates time and fuel burn at all different altitudes to any destination, showing you the time and fuel burn required for each altitude enroute, so you can pick the best altitude.

Xavion, and Xavion alone in the sky, gives engine-failure guidance and wake-turbulence avoidance.

All USA VFR and IFR charts and plates are included with base subscription.

Terms of use and Privacy Policy can be found at:

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

Version history

New feature: Runway light consideration!

We now consider runway LIGHTS when choosing an airport in dark conditions.
But how do we know what conditions are dark when the light varies with so many things, including visibility and cloud cover?
We make this decision based on the light level you are actually seeing at the moment... as determined by the brightness setting you set on your iPad!
If your biPad brightness is set to a high level, I assume you are in bright conditions and consider the runway lights of little or no value when choosing an emergency airport.
If your iPad brightness is at very low levels, I assume you are operating in dark conditions, and give preference to LIT runways for emergency selection.
As well, Xavion interpolates in between, giving some modest preference to lit runways in the twilight and dusk hours when you have your iPad set to intermediate brightness.
So, be sure to keep that brightness set as appropriate for the conditions you are actually in: You've been doing that anyway, but now Xavion is using that as your indication of how bright or dark your environment is, and considering runway lighting accordingly when choosing the best airport to glide to in the event of power-loss.

Some UI tweaks:

When you zoom in on an airport, runway length and width now display correctly at all map orientations... they were previously sometimes inverted.

Warnings for airports that are marginal for emergency use are now displayed on the PFD even if you are doing routine navigation... they were previously hidden if you were doing routine enroute navigation.

Flight Director data-entry buttons moved to never interfere with the menu bar.. they could previously sit behind the menus when in PFD-only mode.

Directional Gyro always visible... it could previously be partially hidden behind the menus in some cases.
Higher-resolution interface to fit all interface elements on the complete line of phones and pads.
More consistent resolution and detail across all Apple devices, which now have widely-varying resolutions.
Internal pad-orientation management so Apple can NOT flip the pad orientation in flight!
You can only set the pad orientation inside of Xavion in the settings screen!

Minor UI scaling and tweaks to make the fonts and buttons a little larger, and the main menus a good bit larger, and fit more nicely on the new iPads.
In the PREFLIGHT menu, where you see your enroute fuel and time expenses for all different altitudes, if you just enter ONE fix, then Xavion assumes you are going there from your CURRENT location and altitude. So, when enroute, you can simply enter your destination and see your optimal altitude at every moment of the flight! Change your mind on altitude at any time.
Now with the option to turn airspace-display off for the 2-D map as well as the 3-D map.
With the airspace on the 2-D map turned off, you can, at will, focus strictly on emergency use, where airspace is not a concern.
So this is actually a de-clutter that is based not on the map zoom, but on your preference of how you want to use the App.
More accurate altitude determination from the GPS sensor: We now correct the GPS altitude to be closer to the pressure or true altitude used by other aircraft. This matters because it gives us a more accurate atltitude comparison to other traffic for traffic and wake turbulence avoidance.
Xavion now waits for the first 15 seconds of start-up to confirm position before making any decisions about terrain alerts.

Bug-fix in sorting airports, and runway numbers visible even at airports you are NOT going to, to let you get the layout of ANY airport.
Slight improvements in the map de-clutter, to make that a little more clear.
Runways for a given airport are now always listed longest-first, to be a little more intuitive to quickly scan.
Bug fix: Aircraft motion on approach plates and diagrams is now always depicted correctly, even for plates that are NOT oriented north-up.
The sky is now a bit darker to make this app cast LESS LIGHT!
This is to lower heat-generation and the resultant automatic brightness reduction in the daytime,
and lower the light-pollution and the resultant loss of night vision at night.

The airport data up at the top of the map now shows in a larger font IF the resolution is high enough to allow it,
so your glance at the airport info, weather, and enroute time and VVI required are easier to read on the high-res devices.
Label clarity: The AOA display selection is now labelled as "AOA" not just "clean-stall", to make it easier to find.

Bug fix: No more erroneous alerts about not being able to download charts for Georgia (the State).
This was just recently broken because Seattle Avionics now offers Georgia (the COUNTRY)!
So we had to make sure the State and Country were not confused in the downloader.
Just some UI clarifications in this small update:

NEXRAD precip-color map is slightly adjusted to correlate with XM-Weather, so we see the same color-map on both displays, so both display will look very similar.
Chart never-installed vs expired warning messages are now more clear, so you will see if a map is expired, vs simply never installed.
NEXRAD REPLAY button on the chart will only appear if you had an internet connection that loaded radar HISTORY... ADSB is real-time only.
AIRWAY and SPEED labels could have some overlapping in some places, which is always confusing... those should be addressed.

So, these are simply some small UI improvements, to avoid any confusion at all during use!
When I fly, I don't want a single confusing or overlapping label! This build addresses that!
Approach plate expiration date and last-modified date now shown in the approach-plate view.
This confirms approach-plate currency in case you get ramp-checked, and also so you can check it yourself!
Of note is that to save time, we only download plates that have actually CHANGED!
So showing this expiration date is useful, in case the plate has not actually been changed, and therefore downloaded, for some number of cycles.
When you are in the main (ADSb) weather map, and EXIT the loop-weather mode, Xavion now returns the map display to the CURRENT weather,
rather than holding at whatever point you were in the loop when you exited. This is much easier to use and understand.

As well, we now have more accurate enroute fuel estimates for turbine aircraft:
We used to simply give no time or fuel credit for the descent, but now we do better than that:
Now we assume a constant indicated airspeed and fuel burn all the way down, true airspeed deteriorating (but fuel burn not reducing!) during the descent.
This matches turbine aircraft more closely.
Full App functionality is now available in the Sectional, Low Enroute, and High Enroute maps!
Those old raster maps used to be just simple moving maps, but they now provide airport weather, information, and all other functions that USED to be available ONLY in the Xavion map. So now, you can fly Xavion in the old-school raster maps, but still get all of the new functionality!

As well, better handling of WHICH airport is selected for information and weather display at the top of the map: Much more intuitive.
UI fix, where some buttons were not functioning.

Other recent stuff: New ADSb wind columns in the winds aloft screen if you an have ADSb receiver... good for more winds aloft awareness and planning.

New display:
Winds aloft columns from ADSB are shown on the map when viewing winds aloft.
It used to be we would just show the interpolated winds aloft vectors between all the stations,
but now we show the raw ADSB data as well, numerically, so you have both the raw and interpolated data available.

New subtle interface adjustment:
In the PFD[MAP] mode, the speed and altitude tapes will auto-center in the available space not being used by the map.
It just makes a nice little adjustable PFD/MP where you can allocate how much space you want available in region by dragging the top of the map.
Give it a try: You can have mostly MAP with just a small POFD for enroute and then a quick swipe for mostly PFD with just a glance at the map for approaches.

Bug-fix: Flight replay interface:
The flight replay jog-slider hidden in the previous version.
This is now fixed.
It's fun and useful to make a real flight, then replay the flight in Xavion!
It's all over in the LOGBOOK tab. Give it a try!
And have X-Plane running on the same LAN, connected to Xavion in the SETTINGS menu in X-Plane, so see that real flight in X-Plane!
It's fun! (and useful: ADSb weather and traffic IS SAVED for the replays. so you can take a look at not just your flying, but also traffic and weather,
the consider your in-flight decisions from the comfort of your office... while not trying to fly an airplane at the same time!)
Small UI improvements:
Menu buttons pushed up a bit from the bottom on those tiny phones with the bevelled corners to make them easier to get to.
In weather screens, no-weather airports now show as gray, not red, which is more intuitive.
EMER button is now MAGENTA when engaged (not red) to match the magenta engaged flight path hoops, which is more intuitive.
Tiny UI tweak: No double-press of the EMER button needed to get the emergency hoops up.
You used to have to double-tap the EMER button when in PFD or MAP mode, but now the first press is all you need.
Bug fix when connected to X-Plane: Now Xavion won't use your iPads' ACTUAL pressure sensor for cabin altitude when its' being used in the SIMULATOR!
IPad pressure sensor still used for cabin altitude in actual flight, though!
Bug fix: Now the FMS cannot be confused by any length of route.
(extremely long routes could confuse the FMS in previous version)
3-D instrument approaches are now back!
The FAA discontinued some data needed for 3-D instrument approaches, so this update gets that data ANOTHER way to keep bringing us those very very useful 3-D approaches!
Remember, in Xavion, you just touch one button to load an approach, and once you've done that, you get 3-D hoops for from where you are to the IAF, through the whole approach, and even the miss and holding pattern!
This is by far the easiest way to load and fly an instrument approach that I have ever seen... it makes them as fun and easy to fly as the next-gen Highway-In-The-Sky concepts we are seeing!

The winds aloft forecast was previously scanned incorrectly... that is now fixed!

Let't talk about cabin altitude: Cabin altitude is clearly defined as a pressure altitude, based on standard barometric pressure setting of 29.92 inches of mercury and 15 degrees C at sea level.
So if a given pressure in the cabin is 8,000 feet of cabin altitude, then the pressure is what we would see at 8,000 feet ON A STANDARD DAY! This is the pressure pushing OXYGEN into our LUNGS!
But we don't usually FLY on standard days, so an 8,000-foot cabin altitude does NOT mean that we are 8,000 feet above the GROUND! Differences in baro pressure and temperature change that altitude, which is why we enter baro pressure into our airplanes every time we fly.

So how do we reconcile these two completely different needs for cabin altitude: one to be UNCORRECTED to show us actual oxygen pressure on our lungs (!) and one to be CORRECTED to show us height above sea-level?

The answer is:
Go to the diagnostics screen: You will see the CABIN ALTITUDE in the upper-right area of the window. This is for STANDARD ATMOSPHERE, UNCORRECTED. This is the actual pressure acting on your body right now.
If this is more than 12,500 for more than 30 minutes, you need oxygen.
If this is more than 14,000 ever, you need oxygen, NOW.
THIS is what you use to make your oxygen decision, especially in pressurized airplanes.

Now, go to the PFD on the main screen: If you are in an UN-pressurized airplane (as set in aircraft setup) and don't have an iLevil with pitot-static ports, then Xavion will use your CABIN ALTITUDE SENSOR, but of course CORRECTED FOR BARO PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE!

Look at the baro pressure, if it is not exactly 29.92, and you will see that the PFD is indeed showing an altitude offset from the cabin altitude by about 950 feet per inch of mercury!


Now want to have some fun?

Go outside to get a good GPS signal and then go to the aircraft setup and tell Xavion your airplane is PRESSURIZED.
Now, of course, cabin altitude in a pressurized plane is useless for seeing how high you are, so Xavion will use GPS for your altitude on the PFD!
See the label up above the altitude... it will switch from CABIN ALT to GPS... and, if Xavion has gotten a correct baro pressure from the net, then the altitude tape won't move very much!
You will get almost the exact same altitude from your phone or ADSb receiver pressure sensor as you get from your GPS: Both are corrected by all known technology!

OK if you are like me then you will forgot precisely all of this the moment you have to keep an airplane right-side-up, so here it is simple:
The cabin altitude shown in the diagnostics screen is the pressure in the cabin: Use that to tell if you are safe to... BREATHE!
The altitude shown on the PFD is corrected for everything we have: Use that to... FLY!

Just be sure to set whether or not the airplane is pressurized in the aircraft setup, and get yourself a nice ADSb receiver so Xavion grabs the local baro pressure from ADSb in flight, and auto-loads it into the system to apply it to your altitude on the PFD!
Nice new map mode: Approach plates!
Now, in the PREFERENCES page, you can select APPROACH PLATES for a background alongside the usual sectional and enroute charts. This lets you have an approach plate in the MFD portion of the screen, and synthetic vision in the PFD portion of the screen, both at the same time. This new view option lets you see your plane on the approach, and have a synthetic vision PFD, all at once!
Pretty big new feature:
The emergency glide hoops are now ALWAYS visible, even if you are doing enroute navigation!
So, if you enter a destination for enroute navigation, the enroute navigation hoops are still presented, but the EMERGENCY hoops are also visible in a semi-transparent ‘ghost’ presentation, so you can still see what your emergency option will be if you ever have to push the emergency button! So now, we can do enroute navigation AND see our power-off alternatives every step of the way, all at once.

The CABIN ALTITUDE is now corrected for barometric pressure and non-standard temperature.
We have historically shown cabin altitude as exactly what it is: An actual pressure altitude!
But now, we correct that pressure altitude with the barometric pressure and temperature, so for un-pressurized airplane, you can use cabin altitude as a better a better altitude for emergency navigation.

Bug Fix:
The MOS forecast now shows weather for all forecast times.

Cheat Codes for In-App Purchases

Item Price iPhone/iPad Android
Airport, Chart, and Plate Data
(Airport, Chart, and Plate Data)
ID992067167✱✱✱✱✱ 091F004✱✱✱✱✱
Airport, Chart, and Plate Data
(Airport, Chart, and Plate Data)
ID992067167✱✱✱✱✱ 091F004✱✱✱✱✱

Ways to hack Xavion

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4.3 out of 5
97 Ratings


Great augmented situational awareness
Xavion is great once you configure and really get everything dialed in. It changes a lot each release even minor ones so you really have to keep on top of what changes occur so you know how to use it properly.

I have practiced “engine out” procedures with it several times and it really does bring you to a runway but practice with it because it sometimes doesn’t bring you where you would see the runway miles before getting there if the airport area has trees or is hidden.

I am considering dedicating an iPad mini to just xavion for emergency field location only. For me I am not yet willing to use it as a full efb. Excellent tool in the cockpit
Life-saving tool
Excellent situation awareness, terrain avoidance and emergency landing guidance. Xavion works on an iPhone as well as it does on an iPad. I mount it next to my undersized cockpit console, and have complete panel back up in case of electrical failure. I use earbuds underneath my headset for audible terrain avoidance alerts. When I get ADS-B, I will also enjoy traffic alerts. Xavion works seamlessly with X-Plane for flight planning and proficiency simulation.
With Seattle Avionics subscriptions (additional) do you have moving me up display on VFR Sectional, IFR Enroute charts and Approach Plates.
All I would ask in addition to these features is a one touch transition between approach plates and Highway-in-the-sky guidance to the threshold.
Fantastic SA with the additional the Flight Director
With the addition of the Flight Director capability I have truly fallen in love with this app. I have it connected to my Stratux box and it is AMAZING how accurate it is to my actual altitude and airspeed. I’m still dialing in on how best to use the flight director capabilities but having it up and running all time and then able to hit the emergency button if something happens to give you guidance to the nearest airport is incredible. Also having additional 3D reference to approaches and the missed procedure is unprecedented in an iPad app. Looking forward to future improvements as the app is always getting better.
Remains the Cutting Edge
I enjoyed a cross country trip last week from Southern California KSEE -KDMN-KALM-KBGD-KWDG Enid, Oklahoma while running Xavion. Throughout the trip I gained an appreciation of the power of this application as it forecasted real time safe power off glides to airports within my grasp in any event of a power failure. This App continues to offer the most sophisticated features still not offered in the other best in class products. I run Xavion alongside Seattle Avionics FlyQ EFB to add just another form of redundancy, both coupled with iLevil AW3 for ADS-B in. The original mission statement of glide guidance to a best suitable airport remains a favorite feature. Thanks for all your excellent development and support.
Abinand Rangesh,
Great app and outstanding support from the developer
I have used Xavion while flying my Cessna 150 for a few years. The app has always worked perfectly in the cockpit and it gives me peace of mind knowing my options in the event the engine quits. I have communicated with Austin a couple of times and he has always been responsive.

Most recently I had noticed a minor display issue on the new iPad mini 6 as it has a larger screen than previous models. Austin went above and beyond to resolve this, including buying a new iPad mini 6 himself to test.
Xavion Top Rated
I have used Xavion for 3 years now and I believe it’s one of the best aviation apps to give you a sense of security while in a single engine airplane flying day or night as it continuously looks for airports you could glide to based on your aircrafts glide characteristics. All you have to do is fly the highway-in-the-sky hoops! I have it turned on with every flight on a separate iPad. In addition, it can be used with X-Plane to practice engine out emergencies as well as in the actual aircraft. Regards, Don
Excellent and wonderful support
I recently flew from Houston to Salt Lake City. I ran Xavion alongside the IflyGPS app and really found its features to be very useful. The NEXRAD weather data was actually more accurate and easily visible than that on my G1000 and the IflyGPS. The VFR approach highway in the sky is vey helpful when flying into small mountain airports. I have also found austin to be very responsive and helpful when questions arise. I highly recommend this app.
Mike Belfort
Globe wan,
I never fly without this app running and mounted on my panel - this is huge safety insurance. Try it - you AND your passengers will feel a new level of relaxation!
NOTE: I had a self-inflicted mess up in my craft configuration entries and emailed Austin for help. He spent considerable time and several back and forth emails to find and explain my problem! That is a HUGE benefit in a program as detailed and important as this one can be if you'll let it! Wonderful support!
Peace of mind
As a student GA pilot, this app gives me that extra peace of mind in case my engine quits. I keep it on my iPhone 6 Plus mounted on the panel. It’s a little work to setup, but once that’s done it works perfectly. I also use it when flying X-Plane and have tested it countless times. It led me to a safe landing every time. Won’t fly without it. Austin, thank you for creating this one of a kind safety tool. I wonder how many lives you’ll end up saving.
Simply the best
This software is indispensable as a pilot. I run it on my iPhone and my iPad runs ForeFlight. Xavion is always on telling me where to land if something happens. Austin is very responsive to any issues you may have with the software and really is trying to make this the best end to end solution. There is a learning curve and some prework to get it dialed in but then it does all the thinking for you. Must have in my eyes.

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