This game is a prime example of a ripoff of GTA. First of all you don’t start out with a motorbike in free mode and this game is called xtreme Motorbike Racing 3d and for God’s sake, you guys start out with a lowercase x, and then you even misspell the word extreme by leaving out an e! THAT’S LITERALLY ONE PRIME EXAMPLE of your game not being good. Instead of you actually driving a motorcycle your some dude with a messed up haircut who goes around the town causing chaos everywhere you go and the graphics are stupid. One thing I DID like about the games was how you would be chased by people if you stole their car and also you would get shot by them. You could even have a whole police force chase after you if you get all 5 stars from being a “master” criminal. But then you kick cars and grapple on to them and create shockwaves from you hitting the ground which was also fun. But in career mode, when you are driving, there’s nothing fun to do their because it’s basically like free mode but just no traffic and no walking around. Overall this game could use lots of work and also you get knocked below the ground if you grapple on to a car and it hits you. This game is a real big knockoff and you need to stop with this fake stuff. One more thing, stop using GTA pics and show the players what your fake game looks like. This was a horrible experience and I never wanna play this game again. Good Day