Experience the excitement of Zone Clash..Are you ready to Enter the ZONE? Get your team together Soldier and Burn them to the ground. HOORAH!!!
Choose your Tier, Get your weapon , Suit up your Armor, Gather your team!! This isn’t a game son, it is your Battle! You either clash or get CLASHED!! Join the ZONE CLASH NOWW! This might be your only chance!!!
- Tier Selection Game Play
- Different Areas to Fight
- Single Player Mode
- Multiplayer Mode 5-10 Players
- Game Modes Team Deathmatch,Capture the Flag and Arena Mode
- 70+ Weapons to choose from
- Armor Selection
Many More….
Join the Fight or BURN BABY!!!
Join our Instagram Account! www.instagram.com/zoneclash
Join our Twitter Account www.twitter.com/zoneclashgame
Join our Facebook Page www.facebook.com/zoneclash
For the best experience, we recommend playing this game on an iPhone 7+/7/6+/6/5/5s/5c, and iPad 3/4/Air/Mini Retina/Pro.
Note: This game has 1 Player Mode and Network mode which requires internet connection to play.
Please note that this app contains social features that allow you to connect and play with friends, in-app purhcases that cost real money, and push notifications to inform you when exicting events or new content are taking place in the game. You can choose whether or not to utilize these features.
2013 Fabudea. FABUDEA and FABUDEA LABS are trademarks of Fabudea Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners. By downloading, installing or using this App, you agree to Fabudea’s privacy policy and terms of use,as may be updated by Fabudea from time to time. Please visit http://www.zoneclash.com/privacy to view Fabudea’s privacy policy and http://www.zoneclash.com/terms-of-use to view Fabudea’s terms of use.
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