How to clear cookies

Clear all cookies in Chrome browser

On your Android
  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Chrome app Chrome.
  2. To the right of the address bar, tap More More and then Settings.
  3. Tap Privacy and security and then Clear browsing data.
  4. Choose a time range, like Last hour or All time.
  5. Check Cookies and site data and uncheck all other items.
  6. Tap Clear data and then Clear.

On your iPhone or iPad
  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Chrome Chrome.
  2. Tap More More and then Settings Settings.
  3. Tap Privacy and Security and then Clear Browsing Data.
  4. Check Cookies, Site Data
  5. Uncheck the other items.
  6. Tap Clear Browsing Data and then Clear Browsing Data.
  7. Tap Done.

Clear all cookies in Safari browser

To clear your history and cookies, go to Settings > Safari, and tap Clear History and Website Data.

iPhone Safari Settings showing Clear history and website data.