Halloween event
Version 1.4.9
+ Fixed a bug that freezed the banking screen
+ Fixed the card duplicating
+ Added Auto bruteforce for everyone. When enabled, the bruteforce on a target gets started right on the exploit process. You dont need to press bruteforce manually anymore. You can turn on/off auto bruteforce on the network app. To prevent disadvantages to people who get the update later, its turned on by default, so everyone can use it.
Version 1.4.8
+ Merged deface list and leaderboard
+ Added an option to enable/disable push notifications on a new deface (standard is OFF, you are getting a notification on every new deface made by one of your crew). You can find it on the deface tab.
+ Fixed a bug on the new banking screen (swapping between your and all cards marked hacked targets hackable again)
+ Removed the new message indicator on messenger when getting a system notice from vhack system
+ Removed deface list from network
Version 1.4.7
+ Added an exploit button on deface lists - You can exploit them (if your Scan and SDK is strong enough) right from the deface list now. Exploiting them is enough to count towards deface score now! No need to open the log or something (only when using this button).
+ Changed the open bank cards list from grid view to a list. Added a TRANSFER button to the right of each card. You dont need to open the card anymore to transfer money. List is ordered by transferable or not, then by money on card.
+ You can now remove your cards from that list as well
+ vTC icon is back on botnet shop
+ Main Crew Leaderboard is the weekly one now (leaderboard swapped with money leaderboard)
+ Weekly crew rewards increased
+ Reduced score from crew rush tournament to make the weekly crew tournament more competitive for f2p overall
+ Adjusted the crew tournament scores from deface, mt and money lb as well, as the distribution were very bad
+ You can disable "Invite only" on your crew now! This lets people join your crew by pressing the join button on your crews profile
+ Crew Profile showing member positions now (important for players to see who to contact in order to get invited), memberlist is ordered by position and date of join now
+ Fixed the sort button on blackmarket
+ Hide message popup from a user when you are in a chat with him right now
+ Added a private message (+ PM Popup) from vHack System on friend request
+ Limited vNFT offers to other players to 1 pending offer at a time. If the target user accepts your offer, the cooldown is getting reset.
+ Fixed the community app
+ Fixed the exploit lock bug (you had to relog after getting locked)
+ Tapping on a vNFT on Blackmarket list (directly on the vNFT) is opening the vNFT Explorer now
+ Fixed a bug where the wrong nft history were displayed
Version 1.4.5
+ Added a filter for vNFT scarcity on collections app (applying to collection (owned/all), blackmarket items and the list on selling tab)
+ You can tap on grayed out vNFTs to get a list of the owners now
+ Fixed the monthly boost pack amount
+ Send offers for a vNFT to other users directly from the vNFT explorer now (VIP Tier 2 still required)
+ Added an option to order listings for a vNFT by supplyId instead of the price on blackmarket
+ Added a notification popup on private messages (tap them to go directly to the chat)
+ Fixed a bug that brought you to the mainscreen when a PM arrived (while spinning)
small bugfixes and some free stuff for everyone daily! :)
Version 1.4.0
- Fixed some small bugs on safes
- Added server time to network app
- Rebalanced the outdated shop packs because of safes rewards
- Doubled all vTC and NetCoin Packs
- Updated starter pack: 50K NC + 100B vTC
- Updated month pass: vTC: 20B/day, 600B in total - NetCoins: 10K/day, 300k in total - vUSD: 300/day, 9K in total
- Added a new monthly boost pack ($50, 1T vTC, 5K vUSD - only once per month)
+ Safes doesn't share fragments anymore
+ Fragment drop chance increased
+ Fragments doesnt get reset anymore, you can stack up to 100
+ Removed the bounty from chat and added a bounty information on top of the screen (if theres one running)
+ Removed boosters, upgrades happen with vtc now
+ All booster rewards including cashback changed to vTC
+ Reworked the spins rewards and added fragments, increased the spinning speed (1s instead of 6s)
+ Tap a target on network to scan it, tap again to exploit it
- Supporter of the year tag
- Hide info on messenger when keyboard open
- Removed the background upgrades for a cleaner upgrade screen
- Removed packages on mainscreen
- New Feature: Safes
Version 1.3.7
+ Auction sounds only if you are on blackmarket chat
+ Added an auction symbol to blackmarket tab button and chat preview if theres an auction running
+ Start auctions from the NFT info screen now! Collections->Any NFT->Start auction
+ Changed the price for auctions: Common 50, Uncommon 100, Rare 500, Epic/Effects and Uniques free
+ Auction message on chat showing username now
+ New messenger sound to seperate it from chat mentions
+ Added prestige to the level up popup
+ Added an information text to messenger to protect from scammers
+ Added a popup for the first steps for new players
Changelog 1.3.6
+ Added current image database to the app bundle
+ Changed the starting vTC to 1B
+ Chat is prestige and/or vip only now, as prestige became pretty easy to achieve now
+ Buy boosters on the upgrade screen now (100M, 1B, 5B, 10B)
+ Removed the finish upgrade screen, upgrades do cost money and boosters directly now
+ Changed the Levelup screen (Small bar on top now)
+ Voucher disappearing after redeeming or being used / invalid
+ Player profiles on messenger
+ Fixed some small bugs
- Fixed a soundbug which caused a freeze for some players
- New text effect
- New notification sound
User initiated auctions and animated uniques
- Bugfixes
- Christmas event
Chat backlog for all channels,
Sounds on the new auction system
vNFT Auction and some minor bug fixes
- Added timestamps to crew log
- Enabled exploit notifications by default, you can turn them off in settings now.
- Added sharing of bank cards with your crew! By default, you are getting your cracked cards displayed. If you switch to ALL, you see all cards cracked by you or one of your crew members. Cards are ordered by status (transfer possible or not, green up). Also added the name of the initial cracker of a card.
- Added a crew attack popup/notification ingame. Its popping up as soon as your crew is starting an attack or is getting attacked.
- Fixed some outdated texts
vNFT Explorer!
- See, which vNFTs other players got
- Full vNFT history of all trades and creation
- Check who is owning your desired number of a vNFT
- And of course, show what you've got
- "Refer a friend" rewards changed for Level 25/50/75/100 to: 100/200/300/400 vUSD
- Changed the default vNFT list on collections app to "Owned items only". You can check "All" to show all vNFTs.
- Optimized loading times of vNFTs
- Displaying the effect of a vNFT now on buy and sell screens
- Removed sold out items from the shop
- Added a vUSD (25) bonus to the "daily" command
Check out news for changelog
Important bug fix
- Added automatic update system for vNFTs. In the future we can add new vNFTs without the need of an application update on the players' phones. The game will download new vNFTs (if any are available) and metadata automatically.
- Added "Collection" app to the main screen. In this app, you can see, equip and unequip your cosmetic effects (for example "glitch" or "typed" effects on your name) and vNFTs on your profile (considering you own any of them already).
- Upgrade points and packs gave way to much experience. Removed the experience reward from both of them.
- Reenabled energy purchase option in the game. New cost: 1000 NetCoins / 100 Energy
- Increased Starter Pack rewards and updated the displayed amount. New rewards: 15B vTC and 30K NetCoins
- Added wave effect
- Added all remaining badges
- Added animated badges for supporter of the month title winners
- Fixed PVP daily rewards (Some lower ranks gave more rewards than the ranks above them)
- Fixed daily missions not counting towards completion until the "Missions" app is opened
- Fixed broken VIP timer in cases where the VIP perks were gifted by someone else
- Fixed crew logs getting stuck when they reach max length
- Fixed money problems in the game (money got cut by 3 zeroes - both available balance, income and cost)
- Fixed displayed amounts when claiming Month Pass rewards. (Previously it displayed 200M vTC and 100 NetCoins, but the rewards were actually 5B vTC and 5K NetCoins)
Check ingame news for changelog :)
- NetCoin miner app improved
- Added tapjoy offerwall
- vHack Pass added
- Added missing badges
- Bug fixes