I am in recovery in the NA program. I work this program to the best of my ability putting equal daily effort to what I put into my addiction. I couldn’t be satisfied before, but now I have peace and gratitude. By the grace of God, integrating the steps and principles into my daily living, working the steps daily , hitting my knees for prayers of gratitude and seeking guidance every morning, talking with my Sponsor, being involved in service work with my home group, sharing with other addicts in meetings… I/We are now 2 years clean working my/our first 10th Step. I know this is not the actual Step writing that my Sponsor sent to me, but I sought something out while waiting for my Sponsor to send me my 10th Step Guide. This App is KISS…keeps it SUPER SIMPLE! I am going to do my actual 10th Step writing, but I will continue to use this ongoing.
I like the simplicity of these prompts to keep looking at my daily actions and thoughts, reminding myself of what I am struggling with and where I can seek guidance and improvements. Best Regards & Cheers!