AddMovie Cheats

AddMovie Hack 2.5.5 + Redeem Codes

Join Video & Photos

Developer: Limit Point Software
Category: Photo & Video
Price: Free
Version: 2.5.5
ID: com.limit-point.AddMovie-iOS


Game screenshot AddMovie mod apkGame screenshot AddMovie apkGame screenshot AddMovie hack


Add video, live and still photos together into a single video.

Optionally apply wipe transitions. Add audio to any video soundtrack.

Replace video audio: the video will be re-encoded to fit existing frames to match the audio duration. In this way you can create cool video effects by implicitly varying frame rate.

Reverses video & audio.

Crop audio by cropping video then save audio.

Use option ‘First Selected Media Item Audio’ as the audio source of media menu actions:

- Replace Audio
- Add Audio
- Add Audio From Current Time

Live and still photos are converted to video for adding.

Use video actions to:

Overlay Video or Image

Use media actions menu to:

Combine videos 2 vertically, 2 horizontal or 4 square.

The picker table at the top lists all your Photo albums. Select an album by tapping a row.

The album contents are displayed below the table in a single row collection.

Tap on media items in that collection to add them to the media items collection below it for editing and adding together.

Use the media actions menu to import photos and video from iCloud. Paste photos. Tap on rightmost button to access the media actions menu.

AddMovie supports receiving from other apps with their share menu.

Tap on a media item to play its video.

When the video displays 'tap and hold' on it to bring up the video actions menu.

The video actions menu is also available in the media actions menu (tap the right most bottom button).

Operations available in the video actions menu include:

• Add and replace audio and music tracks
• Trim, crop and rotate videos
• Labelling videos
• Video frame filtering
• Apply overlay images to video frames
• Time scale videos to expand or contract them from 0.1 to 2 times original duration

All of the video app previews for AddMovie were made with AddMovie.

The following features were especially useful for making the video app previews:

• Access to video clips and live photos in the Photos library
• Trimming videos 'to' and 'from' the current video player time
• Using the 1080p and 3:4 quality option to meet app preview video size and frame rate requirements
• Adding and replacing video audio
• Overlays and use of overlay template creation
• Labelling with editable font styles
• Duplicating items
• Saving video frames to Photos
• Wipe transitions
• Drag and drop within the media actions collection
• Item info that includes video size and duration
• Showing video dimension labels for media collection
• 'Select All' and 'Deselect All'
• Saving and loading videos form iCloud
• Convenience of built-in audio


AddMovie can be used to apply filters to video frames. Some notable new additions to the filters library: Crop Circle, Auto-enhance, Thermal, X-Ray, Compound Eye, Droste, VHS, CRT

Crop Circle - crop video frames to maximal inner circle with outside background white or black color determined in options.

Auto-enhance - applies a variety of filters to automatically enhance video frames. These filters remedy some of the most common issues found in photos: repairs red/amber/white eye due to camera flash, adjusts face color for pleasing skin tones, increases image saturation without distorting the skin tones, adjusts image contrast and shadow details.

Thermal - special effect that mimics color coding heat producing colorful enhancements

X-Ray - simulates x-ray photo glow

Compound Eye - simulates insect vision by replicating frames multiple times

Droste - special effect applies recursion to video frames

VHS - simulation of VHS tracking noise

CRT - intensification of CRT display effect with warping and RGB pixelation

Apply multiple filters simply by applying another filter to the current filtered player video.

Version history

Maintenance update.

Previous Updates:

• Combining videos 2 or 3 vertically, 2 or 3 horizontally or 4 square now supports a blending effect with percent ranging from 0% to 100%.

• Video Resize Update: Video width, height or width and height dimensions can be resized to fractional percents from 1/2 to 1/10. Previously only width was available.

• TimeScale: Maximum video scale factor has been increased from 2 to 4, so videos can now be made 2x slower than before in one step.

• In TimeWarp ComponentEditor the `Fit` button now picks the first available overlapping range to match fit, and the left-right video players can be collapsed to reduce space between range selector and valid range graphic.

• Improved UI Experience: The scale value label moved to above slider in TimeScale view. The audio selection menu in Options will now present itself with the ‘Select’ button as the “source view” to prevent it from displaying under the options view on iPad.

• Time Warp Update: All non-symmetric time warp functions, such as the power or tapered cosine, can be flipped (mirrored) horizontally using a new `Flipped` Toggle button in the `Warp Type` tab of the component editor.

The maximal `Factor` tab slider value for a component has beed changed from 2 to 4, for more extreme slowing of audio and video.

• New Music: New audio titles named `Alarm` and `Bemascheen` for adding to or replacing video audio.

Access Time Warp via Video Actions Menu > Edit > Time Warp: First access the 'Video Actions Menu' by tap and hold on player video to display the menu. Then select 'Time Warp' from the 'Edit' submenu of the 'Video Actions Menu'.

To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, `Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

• Video Combine Conveyor - Combines two or more videos to display in succession as items on a conveyor, where each video moves across the view as it plays. The conveyor video size will match that of first selected video. Videos are trimmed to a uniform duration. The uniform duration has the option to match that of shortest or longest video.

Access `Combine Conveyor` via the `+` menu in the tool bar. Select: Combine & Sequence > Combine Conveyor.

• Time warp videos to variably expand or contract portions on one or more ranges of the video timeline. Audio pitch is not preserved for creating audio effects.

Time Warp audio recordings by applying this feature to audio videos created by importing audio files from the 'Media Actions Menu'. The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.

This is an extension of the 'Time Scale' feature to uniformly expand or contract over the whole video timeline.

• The 'Updating audio' alert has been removed from the trimmer to improve user experience. To trim the current player video tap and hold on the player to bring up the video actions menu, then select Edit > Trim.

• Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

• Create an audio videos. Select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu (rightmost button) to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app, such as the Files app or Messages.

• Stop motion videos. Improved support to create stop motion videos - 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

To make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.
• Combining videos 2 or 3 vertically, 2 or 3 horizontally or 4 square now supports a blending effect with percent ranging from 0% to 100%.

• Video Resize Update: Video width, height or width and height dimensions can be resized to fractional percents from 1/2 to 1/10. Previously only width was available.

• TimeScale: Maximum video scale factor has been increased from 2 to 4, so videos can now be made 2x slower than before in one step.

• In TimeWarp ComponentEditor the `Fit` button now picks the first available overlapping range to match fit, and the left-right video players can be collapsed to reduce space between range selector and valid range graphic.

• Improved UI Experience: The scale value label moved to above slider in TimeScale view. The audio selection menu in Options will now present itself with the ‘Select’ button as the “source view” to prevent it from displaying under the options view on iPad.

Previous Updates:

• Time Warp Update: All non-symmetric time warp functions, such as the power or tapered cosine, can be flipped (mirrored) horizontally using a new `Flipped` Toggle button in the `Warp Type` tab of the component editor.

The maximal `Factor` tab slider value for a component has beed changed from 2 to 4, for more extreme slowing of audio and video.

• New Music: New audio titles named `Alarm` and `Bemascheen` for adding to or replacing video audio.

Access Time Warp via Video Actions Menu > Edit > Time Warp: First access the 'Video Actions Menu' by tap and hold on player video to display the menu. Then select 'Time Warp' from the 'Edit' submenu of the 'Video Actions Menu'.

To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, `Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

• Video Combine Conveyor - Combines two or more videos to display in succession as items on a conveyor, where each video moves across the view as it plays. The conveyor video size will match that of first selected video. Videos are trimmed to a uniform duration. The uniform duration has the option to match that of shortest or longest video.

Access `Combine Conveyor` via the `+` menu in the tool bar. Select: Combine & Sequence > Combine Conveyor.

• Time warp videos to variably expand or contract portions on one or more ranges of the video timeline. Audio pitch is not preserved for creating audio effects.

Time Warp audio recordings by applying this feature to audio videos created by importing audio files from the 'Media Actions Menu'. The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.

This is an extension of the similar 'Time Scale' feature to uniformly expand or contract over the whole video timeline.

• The 'Updating audio' alert has been removed from the trimmer to improve user experience. To trim the current player video tap and hold on the player to bring up the video actions menu, then select Edit > Trim.

• Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

• Create an audio videos. Select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu (rightmost button) to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app, such as the Files app or Messages.

• Stop motion videos. Improved support to create stop motion videos - 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

To make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.
• Time Warp Update: All non-symmetric time warp functions, such as the power or tapered cosine, can be flipped (mirrored) horizontally using a new `Flipped` Toggle button in the `Warp Type` tab of the component editor.

A new 'Fit' button (wand icon) in the component editor facilitates abutting the domain range of a component with that of its neighboring components.

The maximal `Factor` tab slider value for a component has beed changed from 2 to 4, for more extreme slowing of audio and video.

• New Music: New audio titles named `Alarm` and `Bemascheen` for adding to or replacing video audio.

Access Time Warp via Video Actions Menu > Edit > Time Warp: First access the 'Video Actions Menu' by tap and hold on player video to display the menu. Then select 'Time Warp' from the 'Edit' submenu of the 'Video Actions Menu'.

To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, `Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

Previous Updates:

• Video Combine Conveyor - Combines two or more videos to display in succession as items on a conveyor, where each video moves across the view as it plays. The conveyor video size will match that of first selected video. Videos are trimmed to a uniform duration. The uniform duration has the option to match that of shortest or longest video.

Access `Combine Conveyor` via the `+` menu in the tool bar. Select: Combine & Sequence > Combine Conveyor.

• Time warp videos to variably expand or contract portions on one or more ranges of the video timeline. Audio pitch is not preserved for creating audio effects.

Time Warp audio recordings by applying this feature to audio videos created by importing audio files from the 'Media Actions Menu'. The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.

This is an extension of the similar 'Time Scale' feature to uniformly expand or contract over the whole video timeline.

• The 'Updating audio' alert has been removed from the trimmer to improve user experience. To trim the current player video tap and hold on the player to bring up the video actions menu, then select Edit > Trim.

• Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

• Create an audio videos. Select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu (rightmost button) to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app, such as the Files app or Messages.

• Stop motion videos. Improved support to create stop motion videos - 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

To make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.
Video Combine Conveyor - Combines two or more videos to display in succession as items on a conveyor, where each video moves across the view as it plays. The conveyor video size will match that of first selected video. Videos are trimmed to a uniform duration. The uniform duration has the option to match that of shortest or longest video.

Access `Combine Conveyor` via the `+` menu in the tool bar. Select: Combine & Sequence > Combine Conveyor.

New Music Too! - `As Old As Time`

Access this music via the `Video Actions Menu` by tap and hold on player video to display the menu. Then select `Add Audio` or `Replace Audio`. Select: Our Music > As Old As Time - 3.20.

Previous Updates:

Time warp videos to variably expand or contract portions on one or more ranges of the video timeline. Audio pitch is not preserved for creating audio effects.

Access via Video Actions Menu > Edit > Time Warp: First access the 'Video Actions Menu' by tap and hold on player video to display the menu. Then select 'Time Warp' from the 'Edit' submenu of the 'Video Actions Menu'.

Time Warp audio recordings by applying this feature to audio videos created by importing audio files from the 'Media Actions Menu'. The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.

This is an extension of the similar 'Time Scale' feature to uniformly expand or contract over the whole video timeline.

The 'Updating audio' alert has been removed from the trimmer to improve user experience. To trim the current player video tap and hold on the player to bring up the video actions menu, then select Edit > Trim.

The audio waveform graphic of the selected audio file in the Options view incorporates all audio channels and not only the first.

FIX: The selected media item count was not updating for some menu items in the media items menu that change the selections.
FIX: The progress bar for time scaling videos was not filling up to 100% since a previous change to improve its speed.

Added new music titled `Rise` (0:21) and `Welcome` (2:20) to `Our Music` for inclusion in videos.

To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, `Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

Added new music titled 'Distorted` to 'Our Music' for inclusion in videos. To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, 'Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

HDR label on media items, which indicates the source video was HDR, was fixed and is now saved and restored on launch. 'Noisy Video' filter displays new indeterminate progress while preparing.

Added HDR video support across all features by converting HDR to SDR to improve colors. Media items will also display an HDR icon to indicate if the item was HDR.

About Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

To create an audio video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu (rightmost button) to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app, such as the Files app or Messages.

Improved support to create stop motion videos - 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

To make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos
Maintenance update fixes some minor issues in the time warp editor. The new time warp editor enables variable time scaling of video and audio over multiple ranges.

1. The 'video clip range' preview at the bottom of the editor was not updating when the 'stepper buttons' changed the range.

2. The video players have a new button to play from the current video location, as well as one for playing from the beginning.

3. Fixed an issue with alert buttons did not work if a video was playing.

Access `Time Warp` via Video Actions Menu > Edit > Time Warp:
First access the 'Video Actions Menu' by tap and hold on player video to display the menu. Then select 'Time Warp' from the 'Edit' submenu of the 'Video Actions Menu'.

Previous Updates:

Time warp videos to variably expand or contract portions on one or more ranges of the video timeline. Audio pitch is not preserved for creating audio effects.

Access via Video Actions Menu > Edit > Time Warp: First access the 'Video Actions Menu' by tap and hold on player video to display the menu. Then select 'Time Warp' from the 'Edit' submenu of the 'Video Actions Menu'.

Time Warp audio recordings by applying this feature to audio videos created by importing audio files from the 'Media Actions Menu'. The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.

This is an extension of the similar 'Time Scale' feature to uniformly expand or contract over the whole video timeline.

The 'Updating audio' alert has been removed from the trimmer to improve user experience. To trim the current player video tap and hold on the player to bring up the video actions menu, then select Edit > Trim.

The audio waveform graphic of the selected audio file in the Options view incorporates all audio channels and not only the first.

FIX: The selected media item count was not updating for some menu items in the media items menu that change the selections.
FIX: The progress bar for time scaling videos was not filling up to 100% since a previous change to improve its speed.

Added new music titled `Rise` (0:21) and `Welcome` (2:20) to `Our Music` for inclusion in videos.

To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, `Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

Added new music titled 'Distorted` to 'Our Music' for inclusion in videos. To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, 'Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

HDR label on media items, which indicates the source video was HDR, was fixed and is now saved and restored on launch. 'Noisy Video' filter displays new indeterminate progress while preparing.

Added HDR video support across all features by converting HDR to SDR to improve colors. Media items will also display an HDR icon to indicate if the item was HDR.

About Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

To create an audio video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu (rightmost button) to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app, such as the Files app or Messages.

Improved support to create stop motion videos - 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

To make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos
Time warp videos to variably expand or contract portions on one or more ranges of the video timeline. Audio pitch is not preserved for creating audio effects.

Access via Video Actions Menu > Edit > Time Warp: First access the 'Video Actions Menu' by tap and hold on player video to display the menu. Then select 'Time Warp' from the 'Edit' submenu of the 'Video Actions Menu'.

Time Warp audio recordings by applying this feature to audio videos created by importing audio files from the 'Media Actions Menu'. The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.

This is an extension of the similar 'Time Scale' feature to uniformly expand or contract over the whole video timeline.

Previous Updates:

The 'Updating audio' alert has been removed from the trimmer to improve user experience. To trim the current player video tap and hold on the player to bring up the video actions menu, then select Edit > Trim.

The audio waveform graphic of the selected audio file in the Options view incorporates all audio channels and not only the first.

FIX: The selected media item count was not updating for some menu items in the media items menu that change the selections.
FIX: The progress bar for time scaling videos was not filling up to 100% since a previous change to improve its speed.

HDR labels were being set on some media items that were not HDR. HDR labels are displayed on video media items whose source was HDR. (HDR video is converted to SDR video on load, and the label is used to indicate that source was HDR.)

Added new music titled `Rise` (0:21) and `Welcome` (2:20) to `Our Music` for inclusion in videos.

To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, `Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

Added new music titled 'Distorted` to 'Our Music' for inclusion in videos. To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, 'Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

HDR label on media items, which indicates the source video was HDR, was fixed and is now saved and restored on launch. 'Noisy Video' filter displays new indeterminate progress while preparing.

Added HDR video support across all features by converting HDR to SDR to improve colors. Media items will also display an HDR icon to indicate if the item was HDR.

Audio Spectrogram update - The audio volume no longer tapers to zero at end. Fixes a possible termination issue when creating the initial spectrogram preview for very long audio files.

About Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

To create an audio video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu (rightmost button) to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app, such as the Files app or Messages.

New menu items in the Media Actions Menu to select all portrait, all landscape or all items that match the size of the first selected item. This facilitates adding together only the current media that match these conditions.

Improved support to create stop motion videos - 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

To make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos
The 'Updating audio' alert has been removed from the trimmer to improve user experience. To trim the current player video tap and hold on the player to bring up the video actions menu, then select Edit > Trim.

Previous Updates:

The visual graphic of the selected audio file in the Options view incorporates all audio channels and not only the first.

FIX: The selected media item count was not updating for some menu items in the media items menu that change the selections.
FIX: The progress bar for time scaling videos was not filling up to 100% since a previous change to improve its speed.

HDR labels were being set on some media items that were not HDR. HDR labels are displayed on video media items whose source was HDR. (HDR video is converted to SDR video on load, and the label is used to indicate that source was HDR.)

Added new music titled `Rise` (0:21) and `Welcome` (2:20) to `Our Music` for inclusion in videos.

To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, `Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

Added new music titled 'Distorted` to 'Our Music' for inclusion in videos. To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, 'Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

HDR label on media items, which indicates the source video was HDR, was fixed and is now saved and restored on launch. 'Noisy Video' filter displays new indeterminate progress while preparing.

Added HDR video support across all features by converting HDR to SDR to improve colors. Media items will also display an HDR icon to indicate if the item was HDR.

Audio Spectrogram update - The audio volume no longer tapers to zero at end. Fixes a possible termination issue when creating the initial spectrogram preview for very long audio files.

About Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

Time scale videos to expand or contract them from 0.1 to 2 times the original duration. Audio pitch is not preserved for creating audio effects. Access via: Video Actions Menu > Edit > Time Scale

Select 'Time Scale' from the 'Edit' submenu of the 'Video Actions Menu'. To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu.

Time scale audio recordings by applying this feature to audio videos created by importing audio files from the 'Media Actions Menu'. The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.

To create an audio video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu (rightmost button) to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app, such as the Files app or Messages.

New menu items in the Media Actions Menu to select all portrait, all landscape or all items that match the size of the first selected item. This facilitates adding together only the current media that match these conditions.

AddMovie can now be used without access to the Photos Library enabled. For example you can use the 'Import File' menu item in the Media Actions Menu to load media from iCloud, or share media from other apps.

Improved support to create stop motion videos - 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

To make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos
Maintenance update. The visual graphic of the selected audio file in the Options view incorporates all audio channels and not only the first.

Previous Updates:

FIX: The selected media item count was not updating for some menu items in the media items menu that change the selections.
FIX: The progress bar for time scaling videos was not filling up to 100% since a previous change to improve its speed.

HDR labels were being set on some media items that were not HDR. HDR labels are displayed on video media items whose source was HDR. (HDR video is converted to SDR video on load, and the label is used to indicate that source was HDR.)

Added new music titled `Rise` (0:21) and `Welcome` (2:20) to `Our Music` for inclusion in videos.

To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, `Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

Added new music titled 'Distorted` to 'Our Music' for inclusion in videos. To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, 'Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

HDR label on media items, which indicates the source video was HDR, was fixed and is now saved and restored on launch. 'Noisy Video' filter displays new indeterminate progress while preparing.

Added HDR video support across all features by converting HDR to SDR to improve colors. Media items will also display an HDR icon to indicate if the item was HDR.

Audio Spectrogram update - The audio volume no longer tapers to zero at end. Fixes a possible termination issue when creating the initial spectrogram preview for very long audio files.

About Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

Time scale videos to expand or contract them from 0.1 to 2 times the original duration. Audio pitch is not preserved for creating audio effects. Access via: Video Actions Menu > Edit > Time Scale

Select 'Time Scale' from the 'Edit' submenu of the 'Video Actions Menu'. To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu.

Time scale audio recordings by applying this feature to audio videos created by importing audio files from the 'Media Actions Menu'. The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.

To create an audio video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu (rightmost button) to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app, such as the Files app or Messages.

New menu items in the Media Actions Menu to select all portrait, all landscape or all items that match the size of the first selected item. This facilitates adding together only the current media that match these conditions.

AddMovie can now be used without access to the Photos Library enabled. For example you can use the 'Import File' menu item in the Media Actions Menu to load media from iCloud, or share media from other apps.

(The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.)

Improved support to create stop motion videos - 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

To make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.

New menu item was added to the Video Actions menu: Insert Video Frame.

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos
Maintenance update. 

FIX: The selected media item count was not updating for some menu items in the media items menu that change the selections.
FIX: The progress bar for time scaling videos was not filling up to 100% since a previous change to improve its speed.

Previous Updates:

Maintenance update. HDR labels were being set on some media items that were not HDR. HDR labels are displayed on video media items whose source was HDR. (HDR video is converted to SDR video on load, and the label is used to indicate that source was HDR.)

Added new music titled `Rise` (0:21) and `Welcome` (2:20) to `Our Music` for inclusion in videos.

To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, `Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

Added new music titled 'Distorted` to 'Our Music' for inclusion in videos. To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, 'Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

HDR label on media items, which indicates the source video was HDR, was fixed and is now saved and restored on launch. 'Noisy Video' filter displays new indeterminate progress while preparing.

Added HDR video support across all features by converting HDR to SDR to improve colors. Media items will also display an HDR icon to indicate if the item was HDR.

Audio Spectrogram update - The audio volume no longer tapers to zero at end. Fixes a possible termination issue when creating the initial spectrogram preview for very long audio files.

About Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

Time scale videos to expand or contract them from 0.1 to 2 times the original duration. Audio pitch is not preserved for creating audio effects. Access via: Video Actions Menu > Edit > Time Scale

Select 'Time Scale' from the 'Edit' submenu of the 'Video Actions Menu'. To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu.

Time scale audio recordings by applying this feature to audio videos created by importing audio files from the 'Media Actions Menu'. The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.

To create an audio video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu (rightmost button) to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app, such as the Files app or Messages.

New menu items in the Media Actions Menu to select all portrait, all landscape or all items that match the size of the first selected item. This facilitates adding together only the current media that match these conditions.

AddMovie can now be used without access to the Photos Library enabled. For example you can use the 'Import File' menu item in the Media Actions Menu to load media from iCloud, or share media from other apps.

(The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.)

Improved support to create stop motion videos - 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

To make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.

New menu item was added to the Video Actions menu: Insert Video Frame.

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos
Maintenance update. HDR labels were being set on some media items that were not HDR. HDR labels are displayed on video media items whose source was HDR. (HDR video is converted to SDR video on load, and the label is used to indicate that source was HDR.)

Previous Updates:

Added new music titled `Rise` (0:21) and `Welcome` (2:20) to `Our Music` for inclusion in videos. 

To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, `Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

Added new music titled 'Distorted` to 'Our Music' for inclusion in videos. To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, 'Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

HDR label on media items, which indicates the source video was HDR, was fixed and is now saved and restored on launch. 'Noisy Video' filter displays new indeterminate progress while preparing.

Added HDR video support across all features by converting HDR to SDR to improve colors. Media items will also display an HDR icon to indicate if the item was HDR.

Audio Spectrogram update - The audio volume no longer tapers to zero at end. Fixes a possible termination issue when creating the initial spectrogram preview for very long audio files.

About Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

Time scale videos to expand or contract them from 0.1 to 2 times the original duration. Audio pitch is not preserved for creating audio effects. Access via: Video Actions Menu > Edit > Time Scale

Select 'Time Scale' from the 'Edit' submenu of the 'Video Actions Menu'. To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu.

Time scale audio recordings by applying this feature to audio videos created by importing audio files from the 'Media Actions Menu'. The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.

To create an audio video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu (rightmost button) to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app, such as the Files app or Messages. When the file is opened you will be presented with a menu that offers option 'Create Audio Video', as well as the previous ability to set the Options View audio to the audio, or create an Audio Spectrogram Video.

New menu items in the Media Actions Menu to select all portrait, all landscape or all items that match the size of the first selected item. This facilitates adding together only the current media that match these conditions.

AddMovie can now be used without access to the Photos Library enabled. For example you can use the 'Import File' menu item in the Media Actions Menu to load media from iCloud, or share media from other apps.

(The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.)

Improved support to create stop motion videos.

This is facilitated by a new option called 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select this option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

This way you can make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.

New menu item was added to the Video Actions menu: Insert Video Frame.

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos
Maintenance update. Added new music titled `Rise` (0:21) and `Welcome` (2:20) to `Our Music` for inclusion in videos. 

To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, `Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

Previous Updates:

Maintenance update. Fixed a bug where media items may not load.

Added new music titled 'Distorted` to 'Our Music' for inclusion in videos. To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, 'Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

Maintenance update. HDR label on media items, which indicates the source video was HDR, was fixed and is now saved and restored on launch. 'Noisy Video' filter displays new indeterminate progress while preparing.

Added HDR video support across all features by converting HDR to SDR to improve colors. Media items will also display an HDR icon to indicate if the item was HDR.

Audio Spectrogram update - The audio volume no longer tapers to zero at end. Fixes a possible termination issue when creating the initial spectrogram preview for very long audio files.

About Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

Time scale videos to expand or contract them from 0.1 to 2 times the original duration. Audio pitch is not preserved for creating audio effects.

Access via:

Video Actions Menu > Edit > Time Scale

Select 'Time Scale' from the 'Edit' submenu of the 'Video Actions Menu'. To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu.

Time scale audio recordings by applying this feature to audio videos created by importing audio files from the 'Media Actions Menu'. The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.

To create an audio video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu (rightmost button) to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app, such as the Files app or Messages. When the file is opened you will be presented with a menu that offers option 'Create Audio Video', as well as the previous ability to set the Options View audio to the audio, or create an Audio Spectrogram Video.

New menu items in the Media Actions Menu to select all portrait, all landscape or all items that match the size of the first selected item. This facilitates adding together only the current media that match these conditions.

AddMovie can now be used without access to the Photos Library enabled. For example you can use the 'Import File' menu item in the Media Actions Menu to load media from iCloud, or share media from other apps.

(The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.)

Improved support to create stop motion videos.

This is facilitated by a new option called 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select this option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

This way you can make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.

Also a new menu item was added to the Video Actions menu: Insert Video Frame.

This menu item will immediately insert the current player video frame into the media items using the silent audio duration. This may be used to facilitate creating a type of still motion video by manually subsampling a video with selected frames.

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos
Maintenance update. Fixed a bug where media items may not load. 

Added new music titled 'Distorted` to 'Our Music' for inclusion in videos. To add or replace video audio tap and hold on the video player and select `Replace Audio`, 'Add Audio` or `Add Audio From Current Time`. You can also remove audio with `Remove Audio`.

Previous Updates:

Maintenance update. HDR label on media items, which indicates the source video was HDR, was fixed and is now saved and restored on launch. 'Noisy Video' filter displays new indeterminate progress while preparing.

Added HDR video support across all features by converting HDR to SDR to improve colors. Media items will also display an HDR icon to indicate if the item was HDR.

Audio Spectrogram update - The audio volume no longer tapers to zero at end. Fixes a possible termination issue when creating the initial spectrogram preview for very long audio files.

About Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

Time scaling improved - process speed increased and memory requirements greatly reduced.

Time scale videos to expand or contract them from 0.1 to 2 times the original duration. Audio pitch is not preserved for creating audio effects.

Access via:

Video Actions Menu > Edit > Time Scale

Select 'Time Scale' from the 'Edit' submenu of the 'Video Actions Menu'. To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu.

Time scale audio recordings by applying this feature to audio videos created by importing audio files from the 'Media Actions Menu'. The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.

To create an audio video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu (rightmost button) to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app, such as the Files app or Messages. When the file is opened you will be presented with a menu that offers option 'Create Audio Video', as well as the previous ability to set the Options View audio to the audio, or create an Audio Spectrogram Video.

New menu items in the Media Actions Menu to select all portrait, all landscape or all items that match the size of the first selected item. This facilitates adding together only the current media that match these conditions.

AddMovie can now be used without access to the Photos Library enabled. For example you can use the 'Import File' menu item in the Media Actions Menu to load media from iCloud, or share media from other apps.

(The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.)

Improved support to create stop motion videos.

This is facilitated by a new option called 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select this option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

This way you can make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.

Also a new menu item was added to the Video Actions menu: Insert Video Frame.

This menu item will immediately insert the current player video frame into the media items using the silent audio duration. This may be used to facilitate creating a type of still motion video by manually subsampling a video with selected frames.

Additional music titles are now included in the app.

NEW - Option to include the audio file name as the title on an audio spectrogram video. This option is presented after you choose to create an audio spectrogram from imported audio.

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos
Maintenance update. HDR label on media items, which indicates the source video was HDR, was fixed and is now saved and restored on launch. 'Noisy Video' filter displays new indeterminate progress while preparing.

Previous Updates:

Added HDR video support across all features by converting HDR to SDR to improve colors. Media items will also display an HDR icon to indicate if the item was HDR.

Audio Spectrogram update - The audio volume no longer tapers to zero at end. Fixes a possible termination issue when creating the initial spectrogram preview for very long audio files.

About Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

Time scaling improved - process speed increased and memory requirements greatly reduced.

Time scale videos to expand or contract them from 0.1 to 2 times the original duration. Audio pitch is not preserved for creating audio effects.

Access via:

Video Actions Menu > Edit > Time Scale

Select 'Time Scale' from the 'Edit' submenu of the 'Video Actions Menu'. To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu.

Time scale audio recordings by applying this feature to audio videos created by importing audio files from the 'Media Actions Menu'. The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.

'Audio Video' generation - New option available when audio is imported into the app.

To create an audio video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu (rightmost button) to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app, such as the Files app or Messages. When the file is opened you will be presented with a menu that offers option 'Create Audio Video', as well as the previous ability to set the Options View audio to the audio, or create an Audio Spectrogram Video.

New menu items in the Media Actions Menu to select all portrait, all landscape or all items that match the size of the first selected item. This facilitates adding together only the current media that match these conditions.

AddMovie can now be used without access to the Photos Library enabled. For example you can use the 'Import File' menu item in the Media Actions Menu to load media from iCloud, or share media from other apps to AddMovie.

(The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.)

Improved support to create stop motion videos.

This is facilitated by a new option called 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select this option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

This way you can make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.

Also a new menu item was added to the Video Actions menu: Insert Video Frame.

This menu item will immediately insert the current player video frame into the media items using the silent audio duration. This may be used to facilitate creating a type of still motion video by manually subsampling a video with selected frames. (To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu)

Additional music titles are now included in the app.

NEW - Option to include the audio file name as the title on an audio spectrogram video. This option is presented after you choose to create an audio spectrogram from imported audio.

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos
Added HDR video support across all features by converting HDR to SDR to improve colors. Media items will also display an HDR icon to indicate if the item was HDR.

Previous Updates:

Audio Spectrogram update - The audio volume no longer tapers to zero at end. Fixes a possible termination issue when creating the initial spectrogram preview for very long audio files.

About Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

Time scaling improved - process speed increased and memory requirements greatly reduced.

Time scale videos to expand or contract them from 0.1 to 2 times the original duration. Audio pitch is not preserved for creating audio effects.

Access via:

Video Actions Menu > Edit > Time Scale

Select 'Time Scale' from the 'Edit' submenu of the 'Video Actions Menu'. To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu.

Time scale audio recordings by applying this feature to audio videos created by importing audio files from the 'Media Actions Menu'. The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.

'Audio Video' generation - New option available when audio is imported into the app.

To create an audio video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu (rightmost button) to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app, such as the Files app or Messages. When the file is opened you will be presented with a menu that offers option 'Create Audio Video', as well as the previous ability to set the Options View audio to the audio, or create an Audio Spectrogram Video.

New menu items in the Media Actions Menu to select all portrait, all landscape or all items that match the size of the first selected item. This facilitates adding together only the current media that match these conditions.

AddMovie can now be used without access to the Photos Library enabled. For example you can use the 'Import File' menu item in the Media Actions Menu to load media from iCloud, or share media from other apps to AddMovie.

(The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.)

Improved support to create stop motion videos.

This is facilitated by a new option called 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select this option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

This way you can make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.

Also a new menu item was added to the Video Actions menu: Insert Video Frame.

This menu item will immediately insert the current player video frame into the media items using the silent audio duration. This may be used to facilitate creating a type of still motion video by manually subsampling a video with selected frames. (To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu)

Additional music titles are now included in the app.

NEW - Option to include the audio file name as the title on an audio spectrogram video. This option is presented after you choose to create an audio spectrogram from imported audio.

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays.
Audio Spectrogram update - The audio volume no longer tapers to zero at end. Fixes a possible termination issue when creating the initial spectrogram preview for very long audio files.

About Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

Previous Updates:

Time scaling improved - process speed increased and memory requirements greatly reduced.

Time scale videos to expand or contract them from 0.1 to 2 times the original duration. Audio pitch is not preserved for creating audio effects.

Access via:

Video Actions Menu > Edit > Time Scale

Select 'Time Scale' from the 'Edit' submenu of the 'Video Actions Menu'. To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu.

Time scale audio recordings by applying this feature to audio videos created by importing audio files from the 'Media Actions Menu'. The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.

'Audio Video' generation - New option available when audio is imported into the app.

To create an audio video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu (rightmost button) to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app, such as the Files app or Messages. When the file is opened you will be presented with a menu that offers option 'Create Audio Video', as well as the previous ability to set the Options View audio to the audio, or create an Audio Spectrogram Video.

New menu items in the Media Actions Menu to select all portrait, all landscape or all items that match the size of the first selected item. This facilitates adding together only the current media that match these conditions.

AddMovie can now be used without access to the Photos Library enabled. For example you can use the 'Import File' menu item in the Media Actions Menu to load media from iCloud, or share media from other apps to AddMovie.

(The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.)

Improved support to create stop motion videos.

This is facilitated by a new option called 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select this option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

This way you can make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.

Also a new menu item was added to the Video Actions menu: Insert Video Frame.

This menu item will immediately insert the current player video frame into the media items using the silent audio duration. This may be used to facilitate creating a type of still motion video by manually subsampling a video with selected frames. (To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu)

Additional music titles are now included in the app.

NEW - Option to include the audio file name as the title on an audio spectrogram video. This option is presented after you choose to create an audio spectrogram from imported audio.

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.
Time scaling improved - process speed increased and memory requirements greatly reduced.

Time scale videos to expand or contract them from 0.1 to 2 times the original duration. Audio pitch is not preserved for creating audio effects.

Access via:

Video Actions Menu > Edit > Time Scale

Select 'Time Scale' from the 'Edit' submenu of the 'Video Actions Menu'. To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu.

Time scale audio recordings by applying this feature to audio videos created by importing audio files from the 'Media Actions Menu'. The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.

Previous Updates:

'Audio Video' generation - New option available when audio is imported into the app.

To create an audio video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu (rightmost button) to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app, such as the Files app or Messages. When the file is opened you will be presented with a menu that offers option 'Create Audio Video', as well as the previous ability to set the Options View audio to the audio, or create an Audio Spectrogram Video.

New menu items in the Media Actions Menu to select all portrait, all landscape or all items that match the size of the first selected item. This facilitates adding together only the current media that match these conditions.

AddMovie can now be used without access to the Photos Library enabled. For example you can use the 'Import File' menu item in the Media Actions Menu to load media from iCloud, or share media from other apps to AddMovie.

(The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.)

Improved support to create stop motion videos.

This is facilitated by a new option called 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select this option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

This way you can make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.

Also a new menu item was added to the Video Actions menu: Insert Video Frame.

This menu item will immediately insert the current player video frame into the media items using the silent audio duration. This may be used to facilitate creating a type of still motion video by manually subsampling a video with selected frames. (To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu)

Additional music titles are now included in the app.

NEW - Option to include the audio file name as the title on an audio spectrogram video. This option is presented after you choose to create an audio spectrogram from imported audio.

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

FIXED - Loading photo and video shared from within the Files app has been fixed. (Audio files were not an issue; the problem was that these files required a special request to access)

NEW - Missing items can now be deleted via a new menu item in the "Media Actions Menu' named 'Delete Missing Items'. (Or of course you can also try reloading them)

• Fixed the generation of a live photo for media items. (Available in the 'Video Actions Menu' - tap and hold on player video to display menu)

• Search in Media Picker: Search for albums by name with the new search field at the top of the outline view.

• Media Picker Updated - Supports folders of albums in your Photos library, displays icon thumbnails, sort order matches order in library.
Time scale videos to expand or contract them from 0.1 to 2 times the original duration. Audio pitch is not preserved for creating audio effects. 

Access via:

Video Actions Menu > Edit > Time Scale

Select 'Time Scale' from the 'Edit' submenu of the 'Video Actions Menu'. To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu.

Time scale audio recordings by applying this feature to audio videos created by importing audio files from the 'Media Actions Menu'. The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.

Previous Updates:

'Audio Video' generation - New option available when audio is imported into the app.

To create an audio video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu (rightmost button) to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app, such as the Files app or Messages. When the file is opened you will be presented with a menu that offers option 'Create Audio Video', as well as the previous ability to set the Options View audio to the audio, or create an Audio Spectrogram Video.

New menu items in the Media Actions Menu to select all portrait, all landscape or all items that match the size of the first selected item. This facilitates adding together only the current media that match these conditions.

AddMovie can now be used without access to the Photos Library enabled. For example you can use the 'Import File' menu item in the Media Actions Menu to load media from iCloud, or share media from other apps to AddMovie.

(The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.)

Improved support to create stop motion videos.

This is facilitated by a new option called 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select this option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

This way you can make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.

Also a new menu item was added to the Video Actions menu: Insert Video Frame.

This menu item will immediately insert the current player video frame into the media items using the silent audio duration. This may be used to facilitate creating a type of still motion video by manually subsampling a video with selected frames. (To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu)

Additional music titles are now included in the app.

NEW - Option to include the audio file name as the title on an audio spectrogram video. This option is presented after you choose to create an audio spectrogram from imported audio.

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

FIXED - Loading photo and video shared from within the Files app has been fixed. (Audio files were not an issue; the problem was that these files required a special request to access)

NEW - Missing items can now be deleted via a new menu item in the "Media Actions Menu' named 'Delete Missing Items'. (Or of course you can also try reloading them)

• Fixed the generation of a live photo for media items. (Available in the 'Video Actions Menu' - tap and hold on player video to display menu)

• Search in Media Picker: Search for albums by name with the new search field at the top of the outline view.

• Media Picker Updated - Supports folders of albums in your Photos library, displays icon thumbnails, and sort order matches the order in your library.
Audio to Video generation - New option available when audio is imported into the app.

To create an audio video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu (rightmost button) to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app, such as the Files app or Messages. When the file is opened you will be presented with a menu that offers option 'Create Audio Video', as well as the previous ability to set the Options View audio to the audio, or create an Audio Spectrogram Video.

Previous Updates:

Maintenance update - Includes more progress feedback when loading audio, flipping and rotating videos. Help updated with tips on making stop motion videos with the recently added 'Invert Duration' setting in Options. Added support for additional audio file types. Improved support for using the app without access to Photos library. Crop and Rotate tool updated to better fit all device screens.

New menu items in the Media Actions Menu to select all portrait, all landscape or all items that match the size of the first selected item. This facilitates adding together only the current media that match these conditions.

AddMovie can now be used without access to the Photos Library enabled. For example you can use the 'Import File' menu item in the Media Actions Menu to load media from iCloud, or share media from other apps to AddMovie.

(The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.)

Improved support to create stop motion videos.

This is facilitated by a new option called 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select this option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

This way you can make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.

Also a new menu item was added to the Video Actions menu: Insert Video Frame.

This menu item will immediately insert the current player video frame into the media items using the silent audio duration. This may be used to facilitate creating a type of still motion video by manually subsampling a video with selected frames. (To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu)

Additional music titles are now included in the app.

NEW - Option to include the audio file name as the title on an audio spectrogram video. This option is presented after you choose to create an audio spectrogram from imported audio.

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

FIXED - Loading photo and video shared from within the Files app has been fixed. (Audio files were not an issue; the problem was that these files required a special request to access)

IMPROVED - You now have the option to delete missing items when asked to reload one more missing items (ie media items that were not completely loaded say due to a network issue).

NEW - Missing items can now be deleted via a new menu item in the "Media Actions Menu' named 'Delete Missing Items'. (Or of course you can also try reloading them)

• Fixed the generation of a live photo for media items. (Available in the 'Video Actions Menu' - tap and hold on player video to display menu)

• Search in Media Picker: Search for albums by name with the new search field at the top of the outline view.

• Media Picker Updated - Supports folders of albums in your Photos library, displays icon thumbnails, and sort order matches the order in your library.

• HDR Color Fix - Importing HDR video will now correct color as it is converted to SDR.
Maintenance update - Includes more progress feedback when loading audio, flipping and rotating videos. Help updated with tips on making stop motion videos with the recently added 'Invert Duration' setting in Options. Added support for additional audio file types. Improved support for using the app without access to Photos library. Crop and Rotate tool updated to better fit all device screens.

Previous Updates:

New menu items in the Media Actions Menu to select all portrait, all landscape or all items that match the size of the first selected item. This facilitates adding together only the current media that match these conditions.

AddMovie can now be used without access to the Photos Library enabled. For example you can use the 'Import File' menu item in the Media Actions Menu to load media from iCloud, or share media from other apps to AddMovie.

(The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.)

Improved support to create stop motion videos.

This is facilitated by a new option called 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select this option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

This way you can make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.

Also a new menu item was added to the Video Actions menu: Insert Video Frame.

This menu item will immediately insert the current player video frame into the media items using the silent audio duration. This may be used to facilitate creating a type of still motion video by manually subsampling a video with selected frames. (To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu)

Additional music titles are now included in the app.

NEW - Option to include the audio file name as the title on an audio spectrogram video. This option is presented after you choose to create an audio spectrogram from imported audio.

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

To create an audio spectrogram video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app to AddMovie, such as the Files app or Messages. When the file is opened you will be presented with a menu that offers option 'Create Audio Spectrogram Video', as well as the previous ability to set the Options View audio to the audio.

FIXED - Loading photo and video shared from within the Files app has been fixed. (Audio files were not an issue; the problem was that these files required a special request to access)

IMPROVED - You now have the option to delete missing items when asked to reload one more missing items (ie media items that were not completely loaded say due to a network issue).

NEW - Missing items can now be deleted via a new menu item in the "Media Actions Menu' named 'Delete Missing Items'. (Or of course you can also try reloading them)

• Fixed the generation of a live photo for media items. (Available in the 'Video Actions Menu' - tap and hold on player video to display menu)

• Search in Media Picker: Search for albums by name with the new search field at the top of the outline view.

• Media Picker Updated - Supports folders of albums in your Photos library, displays icon thumbnails, and sort order matches the order in your library.

• HDR Color Fix - Importing HDR video will now correct color as it is converted to SDR.

Two new filters: 'Circle Stack' and 'Rectangle Stack' - using overlay create 'tunnel vision' effects.
New menu items in the Media Actions Menu to select all portrait, all landscape or all items that match the size of the first selected item. This facilitates adding together only the current media that match these conditions.

AddMovie can now be used without access to the Photos Library enabled. For example you can use the 'Import File' menu item in the Media Actions Menu to load media from iCloud, or share media from other apps to AddMovie.

(The Media Actions Menu is accessed from the rightmost button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the main view.)

Previous Updates:

Improved support to create stop motion videos.

This is facilitated by a new option called 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select this option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

This way you can make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.

Also a new menu item was added to the Video Actions menu: Insert Video Frame.

This menu item will immediately insert the current player video frame into the media items using the silent audio duration. This may be used to facilitate creating a type of still motion video by manually subsampling a video with selected frames. (To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu)

Additional music titles are now included in the app.

NEW - Option to include the audio file name as the title on an audio spectrogram video. This option is presented after you choose to create an audio spectrogram from imported audio.

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

To create an audio spectrogram video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app to AddMovie, such as the Files app or Messages. When the file is opened you will be presented with a menu that offers option 'Create Audio Spectrogram Video', as well as the previous ability to set the Options View audio to the audio.

FIXED - Loading photo and video shared from within the Files app has been fixed. (Audio files were not an issue; the problem was that these files required a special request to access)

IMPROVED - You now have the option to delete missing items when asked to reload one more missing items (ie media items that were not completely loaded say due to a network issue).

NEW - Missing items can now be deleted via a new menu item in the "Media Actions Menu' named 'Delete Missing Items'. (Or of course you can also try reloading them)

• Fixed the generation of a live photo for media items. (Available in the 'Video Actions Menu' - tap and hold on player video to display menu)

• Search in Media Picker: Search for albums by name with the new search field at the top of the outline view.

• Media Picker Updated - Supports folders of albums in your Photos library, displays icon thumbnails, and sort order matches the order in your library.

• HDR Color Fix - Importing HDR video will now correct color as it is converted to SDR.

Two new filters: 'Circle Stack' and 'Rectangle Stack' - overlay two scaled copies of video over itself in circular and rectangular shapes, respectively, creating a 'tunnel vision' effect.

To filter videos tap and hold on the player video, or select 'Video Actions Menu' from the 'Media Actions Menu', then select 'Apply Filter'.
Improved support to create stop motion videos. 

This is facilitated by a new option called 'Invert Duration' in the Options view.

Select this option to specify a silent audio duration that is the inverse of the duration slider's actual value.

This way you can make still photo videos with duration from 1/2 to 1/10 of a second long.

Still motion videos can then be generated by adding many such short videos together.

Also a new menu item was added to the Video Actions menu: Insert Video Frame. 

This menu item will immediately insert the current player video frame into the media items using the silent audio duration. This may be used to facilitate creating a type of still motion video by manually subsampling a video with selected frames. (To access the 'Video Actions Menu' tap and hold on player video to display menu)

Additional music titles are now included in the app.

Previous Updates:

NEW - Option to include the audio file name as the title on an audio spectrogram video. This option is presented after you choose to create an audio spectrogram from imported audio.

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

To create an audio spectrogram video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app to AddMovie, such as the Files app or Messages. When the file is opened you will be presented with a menu that offers option 'Create Audio Spectrogram Video', as well as the previous ability to set the Options View audio to the audio.

FIXED - Loading photo and video shared from within the Files app has been fixed. (Audio files were not an issue; the problem was that these files required a special request to access)

IMPROVED - You now have the option to delete missing items when asked to reload one more missing items (ie media items that were not completely loaded say due to a network issue).

NEW - Missing items can now be deleted via a new menu item in the "Media Actions Menu' named 'Delete Missing Items'. (Or of course you can also try reloading them)

• Fixed the generation of a live photo for media items. (Available in the 'Video Actions Menu' - tap and hold on player video to display menu)

• Search in Media Picker: Search for albums by name with the new search field at the top of the outline view.

• Media Picker Updated - Supports folders of albums in your Photos library, displays icon thumbnails, and sort order matches the order in your library.

• HDR Color Fix - Importing HDR video will now correct color as it is converted to SDR.

Two new filters: 'Circle Stack' and 'Rectangle Stack' - overlay two scaled copies of video over itself in circular and rectangular shapes, respectively, creating a 'tunnel vision' effect.

To filter videos tap and hold on the player video, or select 'Video Actions Menu' from the 'Media Actions Menu', then select 'Apply Filter'.

Multiplicity - a new feature that creates a kaleidoscope effect with some 'speed' options. Access from the Video Actions Menu > Edit > Multiplicity. Tap and hold on the video player view to display the Video Actions Menu, or access it from the Media Actions Menu - the right most button in the tab bar.

Ghost Trails - a new feature that overlays previous frames to the current frame with varying opacity to create a fading trail for moving objects. Options for the number of frames used (3, 5, 7, 9 and 13) and their time spacing as mutliples of 1/30th of a second (1.5, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Best for videos with moving objects and relatively static backgrounds.
NEW - Option to include the audio file name as the title on an audio spectrogram video. This option is presented after you choose to create an audio spectrogram from imported audio.

Other minor enhancements.

Previous Updates:

NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

To create an audio spectrogram video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app to AddMovie, such as the Files app or Messages. When the file is opened you will be presented with a menu that offers option 'Create Audio Spectrogram Video', as well as the previous ability to set the Options View audio to the audio.

FIXED - Loading photo and video shared from within the Files app has been fixed. (Audio files were not an issue; the problem was that these files required a special request to access)

IMPROVED - You now have the option to delete missing items when asked to reload one more missing items (ie media items that were not completely loaded say due to a network issue).

NEW - Missing items can now be deleted via a new menu item in the "Media Actions Menu' named 'Delete Missing Items'. (Or of course you can also try reloading them)

• Fixed the generation of a live photo for media items. (Available in the 'Video Actions Menu' - tap and hold on player video to display menu)

• Search in Media Picker: Search for albums by name with the new search field at the top of the outline view.

• Media Picker Updated - Supports folders of albums in your Photos library, displays icon thumbnails, and sort order matches the order in your library.

• HDR Color Fix - Importing HDR video will now correct color as it is converted to SDR.

Two new filters: 'Circle Stack' and 'Rectangle Stack' - overlay two scaled copies of video over itself in circular and rectangular shapes, respectively, creating a 'tunnel vision' effect.

To filter videos tap and hold on the player video, or select 'Video Actions Menu' from the 'Media Actions Menu', then select 'Apply Filter'.

These two new filters have been appended to the right end of all other filters.

Multiplicity - a new feature that creates a kaleidoscope effect with some 'speed' options. Access from the Video Actions Menu > Edit > Multiplicity. Tap and hold on the video player view to display the Video Actions Menu, or access it from the Media Actions Menu - the right most button in the tab bar.

Ghost Trails - a new feature that overlays previous frames to the current frame with varying opacity to create a fading trail for moving objects. Options for the number of frames used (3, 5, 7, 9 and 13) and their time spacing as mutliples of 1/30th of a second (1.5, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Best for videos with moving objects and relatively static backgrounds.

Three new video filters : Shake, Blue Smoke and Blush, right after the Comic filter.

Video sequencing now provides a menu to pick the desired video play overlap of adjacent videos: None, 1, 5, 10 or maximum seconds as half the duration of the shortest video.

Trimmer view show audio save progress.

Crop view show progress when not exiting to crop.

Fixed link navigation in help (access in Options view)

New and improved features. NEW - Color Filters - color videos red, green, blue, cyan, purple, yellow, orange, magenta. Access from the Video Actions Menu > Apply Filter.
FIXED - Reversing video was occasionally failing when the audio track was being reversed due to a memory issue.

NEW - Video sequence: A video sequence is a horizontal, vertical or grid arrangement of up to 16 videos that play serially rather than concurrently.
NEW - Audio Spectrogram Videos : When AddMovie receives or selects an audio file a new menu is displayed that offers the option to create a video with the audio as the soundtrack and frames that display a progressive audio spectrogram. The spectrogram is synced with the audio as the video plays so that it displays the frequency spectrum for the recently playing section of audio.

To create an audio spectrogram video you can select 'Import File...' from the Media Actions Menu to navigate Files for an audio file, or share an audio file from another app to AddMovie, such as the Files app or Messages. When the file is opened you will be presented with a menu that offers option 'Create Audio Spectrogram Video', as well as the previous ability to set the Options View audio to the audio.

Previous Updates:

FIXED - Loading photo and video shared from within the Files app has been fixed. (Audio files were not an issue; the problem was that these files required a special request to access)

IMPROVED - You now have the option to delete missing items when asked to reload one more missing items (ie media items that were not completely loaded say due to a network issue).

NEW - Missing items can now be deleted via a new menu item in the "Media Actions Menu' named 'Delete Missing Items'. (Or of course you can also try reloading them)

• Fixed the generation of a live photo for media items. (Available in the 'Video Actions Menu' - tap and hold on player video to display menu)

• Search in Media Picker: Search for albums by name with the new search field at the top of the outline view.

• Media Picker Updated - Supports folders of albums in your Photos library, displays icon thumbnails, and sort order matches the order in your library.

• HDR Color Fix - Importing HDR video will now correct color as it is converted to SDR.

Two new filters: 'Circle Stack' and 'Rectangle Stack' - overlay two scaled copies of video over itself in circular and rectangular shapes, respectively, creating a 'tunnel vision' effect.

To filter videos tap and hold on the player video, or select 'Video Actions Menu' from the 'Media Actions Menu', then select 'Apply Filter'.

These two new filters have been appended to the right end of all other filters.

Multiplicity - a new feature that creates a kaleidoscope effect with some 'speed' options. Access from the Video Actions Menu > Edit > Multiplicity. Tap and hold on the video player view to display the Video Actions Menu, or access it from the Media Actions Menu - the right most button in the tab bar.

Ghost Trails - a new feature that overlays previous frames to the current frame with varying opacity to create a fading trail for moving objects. Options for the number of frames used (3, 5, 7, 9 and 13) and their time spacing as mutliples of 1/30th of a second (1.5, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Best for videos with moving objects and relatively static backgrounds.

Three new video filters : Shake, Blue Smoke and Blush, right after the Comic filter.

Video sequencing now provides a menu to pick the desired video play overlap of adjacent videos: None, 1, 5, 10 or maximum seconds as half the duration of the shortest video.

Trimmer view show audio save progress.

Crop view show progress when not exiting to crop.

Fixed link navigation in help (access in Options view)

New and improved features. NEW - Color Filters - color videos red, green, blue, cyan, purple, yellow, orange, magenta. Access from the Video Actions Menu > Apply Filter.
FIXED - Reversing video was occasionally failing when the audio track was being reversed due to a memory issue.

NEW - Video sequence: A video sequence is a horizontal, vertical or grid arrangement of up to 16 videos that play serially rather than concurrently. Access from the Add (+) menu in main view, or from the Media Actions Menu.
FIXED - Loading photo and video shared from within the Files app has been fixed. (Audio files were not an issue; the problem was that these files required a special request to access)

IMPROVED - You now have the option to delete missing items when asked to reload one more missing items (ie media items that were not completely loaded say due to a network issue). 

NEW - Missing items can now be deleted via a new menu item in the "Media Actions Menu' named 'Delete Missing Items'. (Or of course you can also try reloading them)

Previous Updates:

• Fixed the generation of a live photo for media items. (Available in the 'Video Actions Menu' - tap and hold on player video to display menu)

• Search in Media Picker: Search for albums by name with the new search field at the top of the outline view.

• Media Picker Updated - Supports folders of albums in your Photos library, displays icon thumbnails, and sort order matches the order in your library.

• HDR Color Fix - Importing HDR video will now correct color as it is converted to SDR.

Two new filters: 'Circle Stack' and 'Rectangle Stack' - overlay two scaled copies of video over itself in circular and rectangular shapes, respectively, creating a 'tunnel vision' effect.

To filter videos tap and hold on the player video, or select 'Video Actions Menu' from the 'Media Actions Menu', then select 'Apply Filter'.

These two new filters have been appended to the right end of all other filters.

Multiplicity - a new feature that creates a kaleidoscope effect with some 'speed' options. Access from the Video Actions Menu > Edit > Multiplicity. Tap and hold on the video player view to display the Video Actions Menu, or access it from the Media Actions Menu - the right most button in the tab bar.

Ghost Trails - a new feature that overlays previous frames to the current frame with varying opacity to create a fading trail for moving objects. Options for the number of frames used (3, 5, 7, 9 and 13) and their time spacing as mutliples of 1/30th of a second (1.5, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Best for videos with moving objects and relatively static backgrounds.

Three new video filters : Shake, Blue Smoke and Blush, right after the Comic filter.

Video sequencing now provides a menu to pick the desired video play overlap of adjacent videos: None, 1, 5, 10 or maximum seconds as half the duration of the shortest video.

Trimmer view show audio save progress.

Crop view show progress when not exiting to crop.

Fixed link navigation in help (access in Options view)

New and improved features. NEW - Color Filters - color videos red, green, blue, cyan, purple, yellow, orange, magenta. Access from the Video Actions Menu > Apply Filter.
FIXED - Reversing video was occasionally failing when the audio track was being reversed due to a memory issue.

NEW - Video sequence: A video sequence is a horizontal, vertical or grid arrangement of up to 16 videos that play serially rather than concurrently. Access from the Add (+) menu in main view, or from the Media Actions Menu.

• NEW - 17 unique audio recordings are available for adding audio to a video, or replacing a video audio completely.

App enabled to download the recordings as needed to save space. Access the new recordings from the 'Remote Titles…' submenu of the 'Our Music' menu:

To access the audio menu 'tap and hold' on the video player to display the 'Video Actions Menu'.

Select 'Replace Audio' or 'Add Audio' to access the 'Audio Select' menu.

Tap 'Pick Audio', choose 'Our Music' and select the new menu item 'Remote Titles' at the top to pick audio title.

• FIX - The ‘Trim Again’ feature has been improved. Trim again enables you to resume the trimmer in the state you last left it. Access using from the video actions menu (tap and hold on the player view, or from the media actions menu):

Video Actions Menu > Edit > Trim Again

• Media thumbnails have been increased in size for clarity on iPad.
Fixed the generation of a live photo for media items. (Available in the 'Video Actions Menu' - tap and hold on player video to display menu)

Previous Updates:

• Search in Media Picker: Search for albums by name with the new search field at the top of the outline view.

• Media Picker Updated - Supports folders of albums in your Photos library, displays icon thumbnails, and sort order matches the order in your library.

• HDR Color Fix - Importing HDR video will now correct color as it is converted to SDR.

Two new filters: 'Circle Stack' and 'Rectangle Stack' - overlay two scaled copies of video over itself in circular and rectangular shapes, respectively, creating a 'tunnel vision' effect.

To filter videos tap and hold on the player video, or select 'Video Actions Menu' from the 'Media Actions Menu', then select 'Apply Filter'.

These two new filters have been appended to the right end of all other filters.

Multiplicity - a new feature that creates a kaleidoscope effect with some 'speed' options. Access from the Video Actions Menu > Edit > Multiplicity. Tap and hold on the video player view to display the Video Actions Menu, or access it from the Media Actions Menu - the right most button in the tab bar.

Ghost Trails - a new feature that overlays previous frames to the current frame with varying opacity to create a fading trail for moving objects. Options for the number of frames used (3, 5, 7, 9 and 13) and their time spacing as mutliples of 1/30th of a second (1.5, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Best for videos with moving objects and relatively static backgrounds.

Three new video filters : Shake, Blue Smoke and Blush, right after the Comic filter.

Video sequencing now provides a menu to pick the desired video play overlap of adjacent videos: None, 1, 5, 10 or maximum seconds as half the duration of the shortest video.

Trimmer view show audio save progress.

Crop view show progress when not exiting to crop.

Fixed link navigation in help (access in Options view)

New and improved features. NEW - Color Filters - color videos red, green, blue, cyan, purple, yellow, orange, magenta. Access from the Video Actions Menu > Apply Filter.
FIXED - Reversing video was occasionally failing when the audio track was being reversed due to a memory issue.

NEW - Video sequence: A video sequence is a horizontal, vertical or grid arrangement of up to 16 videos that play serially rather than concurrently. Access from the Add (+) menu in main view, or from the Media Actions Menu.

• NEW - 17 unique audio recordings are available for adding audio to a video, or replacing a video audio completely.

App enabled to download the recordings as needed to save space. Access the new recordings from the 'Remote Titles…' submenu of the 'Our Music' menu:

To access the audio menu 'tap and hold' on the video player to display the 'Video Actions Menu'.

Select 'Replace Audio' or 'Add Audio' to access the 'Audio Select' menu.

Tap 'Pick Audio', choose 'Our Music' and select the new menu item 'Remote Titles' at the top to pick audio title.

• FIX - The ‘Trim Again’ feature has been improved. Trim again enables you to resume the trimmer in the state you last left it. Access using from the video actions menu (tap and hold on the player view, or from the media actions menu):

Video Actions Menu > Edit > Trim Again

• Media thumbnails have been increased in size for clarity on iPad.

• Only the ‘Light’ appearance mode is supported for clarity of user interface elements.

Overlay editor displays full composition in the preview (not cropping), and fixed missing unicode icons in media actions menu (rightmost tool button at bottom of display).

Navigation tips:

• Tap and hold on the player video to access the video actions menu, or select it from the media items menu.

• Combine videos from the media actions menu. Access this menu by tapping the right most button on the bottom of the main view.

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4 out of 5
4 Ratings


Venus Rose,
Fun for Live Photo’s
I use this app especially for Live Photo’s. What a nifty way to make videos of events. It’s particularly fun because Live Photo’s often contain unexpected moments and sounds. The method for sorting items by date is extremely useful. Just 10 Live Photo’s to quickly make 30 second videos. You can add background music and titles. There is so much to like about this app, like the random photo picker. Keep up the good work.
young suburban,
No audio
It had no audio and was super complicated