Great Game... more tech?
First of all I wanted to say I love everything about this game. Freedom in strategy, creating borders, internal building of countries, and all the other cool things that went into making this game more entertaining and diverse in options are all really amazing. However, I do think that can be taken a step further. This is how. The game is pretty structured around military action, right? Well, I think it would be pretty cool if you could elaborate more on the technology that was available during the era you’re in. For example, Machine Guns, Early Tanks (landships, mark IV, Renault tanks... etc), Dreadnoughts, and Artlilerry Barrages for the Age of Imperialism. Atomic Bombs, New Tank innovations such as Panzers, and others for the age of conflict. Or even as we progress into Cold War/Contemporary events we see advancements in nuclear technology, stealth bombers, and things along those lines. I could go on and on, but my point is, is that there should be technology being made available to the players. The player should be a little bit more immersed in the era they’re in. Also, I think it would be cool if there were more detailed diplomatic decisions you had to make wether it was between other nations or even within your own country. Anyway, just my thoughts. As I said before... love the game, keep up the good work