At first glance with this app, I saw a lot of really old and new shows. But a couple big problems for me to enjoy this is most of the shows are love based story’s. I can enjoy one every so often, but this app mostly shows that type of viewing and even with the pricing, I cannot see myself enjoying it. Another issue I am having is the lack of data, every time I try to choose a show, it tells me “Error, The data could not be read because it is missing.: The data is missing”. I am not 100% sure what that means, I have to run a vpn or something?, but if that is the case, then I am concerned that it will only play in a certain language that I do not know?, and I do not want to pay for something that demands more out of me. Personally, if I am going to spend money, I should be able to enjoy it as it is intended in all language’s I want to understand and enjoy the hard work of putting the show together, and the way it is not, I am unable to see what’s going on in the show and process what’s being said, those kind of things tend to have moments where you miss some sentences that could make it or break it for ppl to enjoy, and by then you are really invested into the show and that just sets your customers for unpleasant failures. It’s got some potential, but still needs ALOT of work. I hope this helps to identify some common issues to create a more universal friendly platform.