Aura frames are excellent, but there is one major flaw: there should be an option to loop videos. There is an option to auto play videos, which is good, but there should also be an option to loop the video until the interval time advances to the next photo or video. Currently if say a 30 sec video, the longest allowed, comes up, it will play only once and then show the first frame of the video for the remainder of the time. So if the time interval is set for say 1 hour, the video will play for 30 sec then show the title frame for the next 59 mins and 30 sec. I have uploaded video slideshows of photos, so the desired operation should be for the video to continue looping the entire interval. Ideally each video would have a setting to enable or disable looping, since it may depend on the video as to whether looping is desired or not. Hopefully a software update will enable this video looping feature in the near future.