So, First I absolutely love all of the apps that the developer makes. But, there are some few problems, bugs, and more updates I would suggest.
Problems: I had just moved from a Samsung, to a IPhone. I had this app on my old phone and it NEVER did this. My new IPhone, when I got on the app, when I would choose a tail, or ears, ect. If I chose two tails it normally wouldn’t let me do two, but on the iPhone it let me put on two...
Bug(s): Sometimes on my iPhone when I put to much accessories on the avatar it would kick me out of the game and put me to home screen, or it would glitch out. (Just a reminder, my iPhone is perfectly new i don’t know why it’s doing this. And my Samsung is cracked, you can see a little bit of inside the phone in a crack, it has a virus and won’t turn on at all now and the battery is burning hot when you touch it. So I threw it away so it won’t catch fire.)
Suggestions: For an update mabye can you add like a turtle outfit that’s my fav animal! I have more but they wouldn’t really work. Sorry for making it so long!