Bacterial ID Virtual Lab Cheats

Bacterial ID Virtual Lab Hack 1.3.0 + Redeem Codes

Developer: Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Category: Education
Price: Free
Version: 1.3.0
ID: org.biointeractive.BacterialIDLab


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Learn about the science and techniques used to identify different types of bacteria based on their DNA sequences. Not long ago, DNA sequencing was a time-consuming, tedious process. With readily available commercial equipment and kits, it is now routine. The techniques used in this lab are applicable in a wide variety of settings, including scientific research and forensic labs.

This app is geared for high school biology students and anyone interested in the biological sciences.

The Bacterial ID Virtual Lab was first released in 2000 as a browser-based interactive lab. Since its inception, it and the other HHMI Virtual Labs have won several awards, including the Pirelli INTERNETional Award's top prize in 2002.

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) is a nonprofit medical research organization that ranks as one of the nation’s largest philanthropies. HHMI plays a powerful role in advancing biomedical research and science education. HHMI brings the latest biomedical research into the classroom with the award-winning BioInteractive website and the Holiday Lectures on Science. BioInteractive features free resources for science education, including animations, videos, interactive features, and classroom materials. The Holiday Lectures on Science feature world-class scientists who bring their leading-edge research to the classroom.
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Version history

Please note: if you are currently working on the lab using version 1.2.3, your progress will be lost with this version 1.3.0 update.
What's New:
• Optimized for iPadOS 13.
• Part 6 "DNA Sequence Analysis" now includes a simulated BLAST search option for use without an Internet connection.
• Screen zooming is now supported.
Optimized for iOS 10.3
Improved Internet connection checking before BLAST searches.
Bug fixes and interface update.
New in Version 1.2
* Updated to display properly on the new iPad Retina
What’s New in Version 1.1
Updated to fix a bug in iOS 5 that prevents copying sequence data in Part 6.
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3.7 out of 5
9 Ratings


I love it!
More samples please.
Straight forward
Very simplistic and easy to use. The very basics of learning DNA sequencing visualized. Would be nice if there were more strains or the possibility to encode your own.
Not helpful
Although this app is very good and it helps understand DNA it is simple and the terms used are very advanced.
Would be awesome if you could put it on an i pod touch instead of just an ipad!!!! Please change!
Harvard University,
Harvard University
Absolutely phenomenal!! I will definitely use this for my future classes!

Sources: PH.D in Medicine at Harvard University. Degree in Agriculture at Harvard University. Bachelors Degree at Harvard University. Professor at Harvard University.
Teaching Fellow at Harvard University.
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Great pre-lab activity for a high school science class. We do a similar lab at our school with soil bacteria. Perhaps more virtual labs for iPads in the future? The iPad is in need of science apps that teach something. Thanks HHMI
Must play this app. The creator made it very realistic and it is very fascinating. A 5-star app indeed!
This app is the most dope, this ish my fav. Open it erry day #swag