Hoping to unlock Infinite mode! Best stellar rogue-like!
I’ve played a let’s Ply of Beyond the Chiron Gate! This game was complex, to me, at first, but, then, I discovered how to play it. I slowed down, read the text, took my time to understand the interface, tutorial, game play and rules. Then, I began to min-max everything, getting my scientist up to level 6 and discovering weird science from all over the universe! I love this game and I can’t wait to unlock further game modes!
Unfortunately, there is a small, but nasty bug, that makes you choose actions without your consent after picking the “continue” option. This has lead to me losing valuable crew members! I hope this bug can be fixed. I play on iOS iPhone 13. Mobile. I use voiceover, as I am blind and visually impaired. I’ve also trouble shooted the problem by turning off background apps, etc. the bug remains and keeps choosing options for me. I hope this can be fixed! It’s a sad mark on a beautiful game, that’s incredibly accessible to the blind and visually impaired! Thanks!