New in version 3.2.2:
- See your personal performance as declarer, dummy and defender
- Score card displays for each board if you were declarer, dummy or defender
- Various small changes and bugs fixed
New in version 3.2.1:
- See your personal performance as declarer, dummy and defender
- Score card displays for each board if you were declarer, dummy or defender
- Various small changes and bugs fixed
- Your playing direction is indicated and you can change the playing direction to match your actual playing direction in the event.
- You can register your attendance in a current event through the app. Select the current event, your starting table and direction at that table.
- Greek language added.
- Various small changes and bug fixes.
- Various small changes and bug fixes
Version 3.0.2 contains various new features and bug fixes:
- Enter scores in the Bridgemate app. Score entry in the app can be combined with Bridgemate score entry in a session
- TDs can delete or reactivate events from the app
- Image or camera photo can be set as account image
- Various small changes and bug fixes
Version 2.5.6 contains some bug fixes and the following new features:
- Share your ranking on Facebook
- Share a handrecord on Facebook, select 1, 2 or 4 hands of a board to share.
Maintenance update
Maintenance update
Version 2.2.3 contains some bug fixes and the following new features:
-Turkish language has been added
-Notification when a new session starts
Bug fixes:
- Scrolling was not possible after device was updated to iOS 11.4.1
Bug fixed which made registration as a new user impossible.
Version 2.1.1 contains an update on the framework and the following new features:
-Option added to keep screen awake when app is active.
-Players can see rankings of all sections in an event they played in, even if it’s a different scoring method or group.
-The event name is shown in the TD call when the app is not opened.
-Phone ringtone settings are also in effect when a TD call comes in when the app is open. This means that when a TD call comes in, a sound is played when the device is on loud, the device vibrates when the vibrate function is on and nothing plays or vibrates when the device is put on silent.
-If a TD call comes in while another event is being looked at, a notification is shown at the bottom of the screen. Switching between active events is not yet possible and will be added to the next version.
Version 2.0.2 contains extensive functionality for both playing and non-playing tournament directors. Non-playing tournament directors or club managers are now also able to keep track of the event within the Bridgemate app.
The following functions for tournament directors have been added:
- A compact overview of the session’s progress. For each table, the number of boards played is indicated.
- Access to all boards and results registered on the boards (only for non-playing tournament directors).
- Suspicious contracts are highlighted.
- Overview of players at each table in a selected round.
- Ability to receive TD calls within the app via smartphone notifications.
New functions for players:
- The frequency list enables you to find out which pairs played a board result.
Version 1.1.1 contains several bug fixes and improvements. Thanks for your feedback!
New features:
- Round average added to score card.
- Selected card in game analyser is highlighted in blue.
Bug fixes:
- Ordinal numbers were not correctly displayed in English.
- Result method setting was not retained when user logged out and then back in to the app.
- Game analyser did not function when north hand did not contain any spades.
- OK button was not visible in help screens with large text on some smartphones with smaller displays.
- A membership could be registered twice by rapidly clicking the 'Add club membership' button.
- Minor bug fixes.