CBT Tools Cheats

CBT Tools Hack 1.3 + Redeem Codes

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Developer: Software Alchemy Ltd
Category: Medical
Price: $0.99 (Download for free)
Version: 1.3
ID: com.software-alchemy.CBTToolKit


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This product provides a set of comprehensive Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) tools that complement both therapy and books on the subject.

The mood monitor tool facilitates the collection of data based on our current mood. Lifestyle choices and mood tags can also be selected. Diagrams can be produced to help make sense of the collected data and to help recognise patterns.

The Thoughts Feelings and Behaviour Cycle tool (TFB) allows the collection of data that is represented in a graphical way. This is a useful tool to identify problems and help you change your outlook.

The Activity list facilitates the creation of activities that can be achievement based, pleasurable or both. Activities are a great way to become more active and combat depression and low self esteem.

The Activity scheduler takes activities from your list of identified activities and allows you to add these to the default calendar on the device. When the activity is completed, you can rate the activity based on pleasure, sense of achievement and mood.

Helpful thoughts are a great way of evaluating our negative thoughts. Build a list and rate them, and carry them with you on your phone or tablet.

Motivation tips allow you to identify ways of achieving your goals and aid with getting started. Build a list and rate them to browse at your leisure.

Coping Strategies are a great way of dealing with stressful situations. Build a list and rate them. This tool is beneficial when we feel overwhelmed.

The Sleep Strategies tool allows you to identify and rate solutions to sleep related problems.

It is important to identify meaningful goals to combat depression. Use the goals tool to create realistic, achievable goals and break them down into manageable chunks. The progress of the goal can be adjusted as you attain the goal, and completed when finished.

The thought experiment tool allows you to experiment with a particular thought, add a prediction and rate our belief in the prediction. Possible problems can be identified and outcomes and what has been learned documented. The whole experiment can be exported at leisure to PDF format for printing and review.

Version history

Fixed an issue with the icons in the Add Mood screen not appearing on older devices.
Other small improvements.
Updated to improve iOS 13 compatibility.
Works correctly when the device is in Dark Mode.
Other minor improvements.
Minor bug fixes, compatibility with iOS 9 and iOS 10.
Inclusion of privacy policy.

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2.5 out of 5
2 Ratings


Rachel Sanders,
iCloud sync and emailing of tools
I really enjoy using this app, I feel that it helps me in conjunction with my regular therapy sessions. However, I would like the ability to sync my data using iCloud for multiple devices, and to be able to email a PDF version of my entries to my therapist without having to use iTunes.

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