So I’m a pretty serious chess player, and I’m really really into computer chess/engine chess... when I get bored I’ll download a bunch of random chess apps and play them against each other at their highest difficulty, in little engine/chess bot tourneys.. I always play the winner against Stockfish (11, not 12 which I know is the newest and best, but v.11 is still a world renowned chess software amongst players and the computer chess world, elite engine nonetheless, certainly a 3000+ Elo I would assume...) This app one it’s little tourney and in the 3 games vs Stockfish that it played (1 white, 1 black, then one random) it one its first game with the white pieces in an AMAZING! Passed pawn pushing end game. It drew the 2nd game with black, and it drew the 3rd game with white... incredible. I’ve seen some of these apps perform very well vs Stockfish and even force some draws here and there with the white pieces, but I’ve NEVER!!! Seen an app beat that engine, and I’ve NEVER!!! Seen results other than a loss with the black pieces... Amazing stuff...