This game gets off to a great start. Building up the cult and gaining followers, bringing reformists back into the fold, attacking occupying forces, that’s all fun. I don’t mind this pace for an idle game either. I think functionally it is quite good as well. Outside of being frozen occasionally when attempting to resume the game, I have not encountered any bugs of note.
But as others have mentioned, this game lacks content. As a proof of concept it’s great, but it’s got a very slim middle and a non-existent end game. Once all the summons and leaders are unlocked, of which there are only 8 total, and all the abilities are unlocked, there is very little else to do, and advancement feels hollow. I understand this is an early build, but they’ll need to add more carrots to dangle to keep people engaged. I also hope this doesn’t turn into a cash grab. I’d definitely pay a flat fee for the game if it had more content. But more leaders and more abilities would be a must. Something to vary up the moment to moment gameplay so that it doesn’t get stale would also be vital. I highly recommend tying abilities to the levels the leaders are gaining, because Outside of the aesthetic changes, which I love, it doesn’t make them feel more powerful or anything. Advancements to the leaders’ stats should make an appreciable difference in some way. But as it stands, you invest in them, but don’t see much in the way of return on that investment.