In summary: This game is a frustrating and spectacularly buggy waste of time. The controls sometimes stop working, and the game deletes your save file at random.
Controls are broken and inconsistent. If you press jump, you’ll probably jump, but you might not. This extends to every button as far as I can tell, it’s just the most obvious with the jump button. In a game that requires near-perfect timing and precision even in early rooms, this extremely frustrating.
Combat is unbearable. Shields may or may not work. The stat systems seem unfinished or just broken. There is no consistency to how much damage you deal, and attack speed seemingly has no effect.
Gameplay is overall terrible, even if you force through the buggy controls. The “difficulty” revolves around “I Wanna Be The Guy” style deathtraps. A common example is jumping into a room and landing on a disappearing platform, that after 1 second drops you into an instant death pit. These kinds of traps are usually placed far away from town, so dying to them often requires you to backtrack 5+ rooms. This is a major slap in the face because the character moves painfully slow, and of course, nearly every room is filled with tricky jumps requiring near-perfect timing and accuracy.
Finally, the game randomly deleted my save after spending far too much time forcing through the aforementioned problems, so I’m just going to refund it. There isn’t really anything else to say, other than: Skip it.