- Wave 7 and Into the Wasteland added to the app
- Various other bug fixes and improvements (see app for details)
- Wave 6 cards added to the app.
- All settlement actions are now disabled if there is no linked force.
- Improved description for camera access error.
- BUGFIX: Active effects that mix armour and other effects (e.g. Psycho) should now display correctly in the battle tracker.
- BUGFIX: Default perks (e.g. Sole Survivor Loner's Lone Wanderer perk) are now free even after the app restarts.
- BUGFIX: Item counts are now correct on AI cards.
- BUGFIX: Correct wording is now displayed on Deathclaw Matriarch II unit card.
- BUGFIX: Weak Behemoth Rock Throw now does physical damage instead of energy damage.
- BUGFIX: Robobrain no longer comes equipped with Laser and Mesmertron by default (as per the wording on the unit card).
- Default (free) Elder Paint removed from Elder Maxson (again). This should now be added with the price override (long press on the item when adding).
- BUGFIX: Fury now only works for 2 rounds instead of 3 (as per the original card).
- BUGFIX: Weapons Workbench should work now.
- BUGFIX: Added +1 Str modifier on Boosted Servos.
- BUGFIX: Exporting PDFs with a colon in the name should now work.
- Added option to display illegal items in Force Builder (mainly for Battle Mode, but also displays other illegal items, e.g. Deathclaw Swipe for non-Deathclaw units).
- BUGFIX: Fixed descriptions of Co-ordinator and Defender leader cards.
- BUGFIX: Prevent layout exceeding screen width on smaller devices.
- BUGFIX: Leader card should now display correctly from unit card header.
- Updated Nightkin allowed items.
- Added missing Wave 1 Explore cards to library.
- Reserves now show in the PDF export.
- Updates to some unit points costs.
- BUGFIX: Thicker Plating mod now adjusts End.
- BUGFIX: Sinjin unit card updated with correct Radiation Armor value.
- BUGFIX: Sorting / grouping menu should now be useable.
- Added backup and restore feature to config page.
- Enabled search for Leader cards and Perks in Force Builder.
- Added sorting and grouping options for most card lists.
- BUGFIX: Corrected some allowable equipment for Legion units in Battle mode.
- BUGFIX: Fixed the long press to override costs in the Equipment Picker.
- All Wave 5 cards added to the app.
- You can now curate the Wasteland deck prior to the start of battle.
- Many cards are now dynamically generated, rather than images, which makes the app significantly smaller and is a step towards multi-language support.
- Original Dogmeat variant added.
- Added Random Card draw in library for all card types.
- BUGFIX: Unit preview in Scenario section now displays properly.
- BUGFIX: Reenabled long press for equipment filter and overriding the cost of items.
- BUGFIX: Adjusted RPG skill costs to the correct amount.
- BUGFIX: Fixed an issue with spacing near the top of the unit card on certain iOS devices.
- BUGFIX: Fixed a display issue with missing cards in the library.
- BUGFIX: Fixed icons on Defender Archetype card.
- BUGFIX: Fixed an error when importing a Force from a QR Code.
- Corrected all item and unit costs based on latest data.
- BUGFIX: Usable Items should now be available in Battle Mode.
- BUGFIX: Fixed battle mode items for Robots.
- BUGFIX: Fixed the Mechanist points cost and unit type.
- Unit costs updated.
- Updated description on Glowing Radroach Swarm.
- RPG: Added "Clumsy" scar from Bert's character card in the Unexpected Shepherd.
- Added ammo to RPG equipment list.
- Added the option to buy Specialities for 1XP or 2XP.
- Tweaked the thumbnail for the Enclave Trainee to distinguish it from the BoS Knight.
- BUGFIX: Movement icons should no longer be missing from the unit card.
- RPG character builder added, including all RPG perks, archetypes, gifts and scars.
- Added the Undiscovered Vault and Vestiges Resurgent scenarios.
- Added some Wave 4 cards that were missing: Creature, Stranger and Danger cards.
- Custom unit thumbnail can now be selected from the photo gallery.
- Tidied up the alignment of special icons at the bottom of the unit card.
- Improved the general styling and image quality.
- The Raider chem effect (one extra round) should now be automatically applied.
- The user will now be notified of the result whenever an addiction roll is made.
- The boost cards icon now only shows up in Battle Mode for Forces with at least one card.
- BUGFIX: FINALLY fixed custom unit photo for iOS.
- BUGFIX: Fixed Lance Captain Kells stats and armor.
- BUGFIX: Removed Anticipate ability from Warrant Officer.
- BUGFIX: Fixed image preview for boost cards in Settlement post battle screen.
- BUGFIX: Abandoned Mine Explore card now works correctly.
- BUGFIX: Stopped default equipment being hidden after the user attempts unsuccessfully to remove it.
- BUGFIX: Deleting the last item in any list (e.g. unit equipment) should now collapse the list.
- BUGFIX: Broken Battle Cry icon is no longer displayed on the unit page for units that have battle cry resist with a Battle Cry bonus (e.g. the Veteran Leader Card).
- BUGFIX: After battle, default and AI equipment will no longer be automatically removed from a unit in the Settlement Tracker.
- Items drawn from the Wasteland Deck can now be added to a unit either at that point or later.
- End User License Agreement added - this will be shown on app start if the user has not yet accepted, and can be viewed later in the About page.
- Added reference cards to unit page and library.
- Made the descriptions of each card pack clearer on the purchases page.
- Battle Cry popup added so that you don't need to switch units to calculate the result of a Battle Cry test. Just tap on the icon at the top of the unit page.
- Leader cards such as Defender can now modify armor.
- Updated some card images and unit abilities based on latest Errata.
- Added Target Priority descriptions when generating an AI action.
- BUGFIX: added missing Sensor Array (Robot) card image.
- BUGFIX: Removed underscores from home page menu labels.
- BUGFIX: The selected equipment icons should no longer be hidden.
- BUGFIX: Strong Constitution perk image fixed.
- BUGFIX: Domestication Unit now adjusts the unit's stats and icons correctly.
- The remaining Wave 1 cards have been added to the app - there are almost 200 new cards from the Event, Explore, Creature, Stranger, Danger and Quest decks. All new cards have been added to the library and all new Explore cards have been automated in the Settlement Tracker.
- All quest reward items should now be available to equip on units - note that the app does not currently track which quests you have completed, so the items are available to equip by any model, but clearly categorized as Quest Rewards.
- BUGFIX: Tech leader card now modifies luck stat by the correct amount.
- BUGFIX: Corrected crit point capability on Indy's Freezing .44 and Staggering Pipe Pistol.
- Changed the behaviour of the back button on the battle tracker list page to prevent accidentally re-adding a force.
- Re-adding a force to the battle tracker will now keep the status and modifiers of existing units, but will still overwrite the unit name, perks and equipment.
- BUGFIX: If a unit's base armor conveys immunity to a damage type, perks and items that set or boost armor no longer remove that immunity.
- BUGFIX: Items that remove radiation damage now convert it to regular damage as per the rules.
- BUGFIX: Armor should now be equipped by default in scenarios.
- BUGFIX: Corrected starting items in various tutorial scenarios.
- BUGFIX: It should be nigh on impossible for two different forces to share the same ID, which previously caused two players in a multiplayer game to accidentally add their units to the same force.
- BUGFIX: Unit card should handle smaller default font sizes better.
- BUGFIX: Fixed QR Code scanner as well as battery usage issue caused by the camera preview not being closed correctly after using the scanner.
- Perks can now be toggled in battle mode, allowing perks like Lone Wanderer to take effect only when the conditions for the perk are met.
- Added health and armor boosts to Lone Wanderer perk.
- Added the health boost to the Veteran leader card.
- BUGFIX: Improvised Weapon no longer breaks the use weapon window.
- BUGFIX: Corrected the category for the Tesla Bracers mod.
- The weapon crit tracker and reload icon have both been fixed and moved into the use weapon modal.
- BUGFIX: Unit picker page should no longer be empty due to corrupt config.
- BUGFIX: Users that redeemed promo codes should once again have access to their content.
- AI Cards have been added to the Library to make it clearer how each unit behaves.
- You can now add units with the standard loadout that appears on their AI card (this option can be switched on or off on the settings page).
- You can now add individual random units when building a force rather than only being able to randomise the whole force.
- You can now filter mods by sub type: select the Mod filter and then the subtype you want to filter by.
- All items, perks, units and leader cards are now visible in the library, regardless of which ones you have purchased. You still need to purchase them in order to use them in the Force Builder, though.
- BUGFIX: The filter in the library no longer causes filter icons to disappear throughout the app.
- BUGFIX: Chems and Mods should now be available in Battle Mode.
- BUGFIX: Fixed some display bugs on the purchase page and scenario page.
- BUGFIX: Fixed the display issue affecting some larger devices.