I downloaded this game at random and it for sure is fun. My 6 year old son and I would take turns to see if we could get over the back mountains. He was super into trying but he’s horrible at aiming. Well, he went to go out the game on his own iPhone to steady try and make it behind the mountains. He thinks it will be some epic kingdom or a giant monster lol. Well, as he was downloading the game I actually made it past the mountains and noticed it’s blank. A no mans land. However, instead of showing him the path I took and ruin his excitement, I decided to just claim I can’t do it. He’s so bad at the game that he will be playing it for a long time steadily trying to take a peek at what’s behind the mountains lol. So instead of spoiling it...I let it be. He’s next to me on the couch and giving me ideas of what MIGHT be behind the mountains. Would be sweet if you could actually put something back there. I’m level 45 or so and on the right side of the mountain there is a low enough area you can make it past. Would be neat if you could add SOMETHING back there lol. Or make the level continue on with more things to destroy. I know he would be super excited. His name is Enix. (Named after Square Enix lol) thanks for reading.
@AppNasty on Twitter.