Version 1.0.7 (40)
We've added 6 new gods.
If you haven't yet, please rate and review the game
What's new?
Added: 6 new gods.
Fixed: Several smaller bugs.
Version 1.0.6 (39)
This is another small bugfix update.
If you haven't yet, please rate and review the game.
What's new?
Fixed: Type of cards in deck are not consistent after reshuffle.
Fixed: Game save state after the deck is reshuffled is not correctly restored.
Version 1.0.5 (38)
This is a small bug fix update.
If you haven't yet, please rate and review the game.
What's new?
Changed: All Summoned gods now trigger their ability.
Change: Some card descriptions improved.
Bug: Not removing a score causes the set to not be reset after the 6th game.
Bug: Gods do not store increased value in draft after a reload.
Bug: Language menu crashes on other system languages besides the localized ones.
Bug: Weekly Challenge button not disabled after initial button press.
Bug: Tool tip crash when displaying copied god with previously changed element.
Version 1.0.4 (37)
This is a small fix for the local highscores which did not reset after the score system change.
If you haven't yet, please rate and review the game.
What's new?
Fixed: Local high-score not reset after score system change.
Version 1.0.3 (36)
This is a bigger overhaul for the average score system. We removed the task system in favor of a more straightforward system,
where a game consists of sets of 6 games. Players who purchased the full game can remove 1 score after 6 games and play a 7th game.
After that the average scores are cleared and a new set begins.
If you haven't yet, please rate and review the game.
What's new?
Changed: Task system removed.
Changed: New average game system with sets of 6 games. Full version of the game allows for a 7th game with 1 score removal option.
Changed: Leaderboard reset for new average game system.
Fixed: Smaller typos.
Version 1.0.2 (35)
this is a small bugfix update.
If you haven't yet please rate and review the game, this helps us out a lot!
What's new?
Fixed: Multiple typos.
Fixed: Some cards miss correct Draft keyword in description.
Fixed: Lock overlay sometimes visible even when not locked.
Fixed: Replaying the tutorial can overwrite an active saved game.
Fixed: A randomly changed fire god can keep its change even after a game restart.
Changed: Crystal completion task description is more precise now.
this is a small bugfix for older phones.
What's New?
Fixed: Some older phones with smaller aspect ratio have a misaligned UI.