Lacking almost every feature I’d expect. Wasted money buying the adapter for this.
I generally don’t leave reviews here for the App Store because usually everything thing is straight forward but I wanted to leave some review because the App Store doesn’t describe much of what it’s capabilities are.
Being that I purchased the $40 adapter after hearing how great other devices like the f6, h6, etc have had being able to control the device wirelessly for level monitoring and adjusting purposes, I figured I’d give this a try and use to record an gig so I wouldn’t have to keep walking back and forth to test peaking levels to set proper gain and leave it.
The one picture that is shown for the app is literally everything. You can only press record, pause/stop and go forward or back to playback from the device. You can enable and disable tracks by tapping the letter/track number. No gain controls at all. So if something is peaking, you have to walk to physical device and turn it off. Most audio consoles and devices now have that as a basic feature which is why so many FOH can walk around with their iPads monitors and adjusting levels away from the board. If they have no plans to implement any additional features (gain control specifically), this is useless to me other than stop and go on takes.
Im just mainly unsatisfied because the adapter, which I feel should have been interpreted into the device itself, cost me $40 and I can’t even control the levels on my H8.
Will most likely return the adapter.