This is our very first update after the initial launch in December 2018. Wohoooo!
* Illustrations: now with 12 (instead of 1) gorgeous illustrations - one for each month of the year
* Stickers: you can now use our illustrations in iMessage
* Export: you can now export all session data as CSV in the settings
* First day of the week: you now got the ability to change the first day of the week in the settings #weneededthat
* Rating: the app now will ask you to rate it. Obey! #justkidding #pleaserateus
* Plunge: Seems like "cold baths" are actually called "cold plunges" - excuese my Genglish (= German version of English)
* Aufguss: We also did not know that an "Aufguss" is called "Aufguss" even outside of the German-speaking countries. So we call that switch now "Aufguss" instead of "Infusion".
* Longer sessions: Some of you really spend a long, long time in the sauna. That's why we increased the maximum duration to 120 minutes.
* Animations: Somebody said that the opening animation of the temperature picker made him dizzy and we don't want him to feel dizzy. So we removed this feature we've been working on hard. #justkidding #itwasabug
* A crash when changing the humidity to "--"
If you have any feature requests just send them to
[email protected] - we're happy to discuss every idea!