Oh my god, where to even begin. This game is amazing. Nowadays, it’s so hard to find mobile games that are actually worth playing. So when I find a game with a genre/concept that I enjoy that actually has detail and effort and isn’t all “OnLy OnE pErCeNt CaN gEt To LeVeL fIvE”, naturally I’m intrigued. I found this game one day in the App Store, In a section titled “Brand New Games We Love.” I clicked on it and started scrolling, found the game, and was immediately in love. Not only is the story cool, but the developers really took the time to bring it to life with the extra details. The characters, the voice acting, the little secrets off to the side. Like, did you know that if a bullet hits one of the parking signs, than it will spin around? It’s a detail that barely matters, but makes the game so much of a work of art. And the characters are cool too. Each has their own weapon and voice, and even has separate opinions on dogs. DOGS. Plus, (and I only realized this once I started writing this review) I haven’t seen a single ad since I opened the game. Point being, this is the greatest game I’ve discovered since Sky Force, possibly even better. So check it out, and make sure to buy the full version. You won’t regret it.