- Added Meerling, the dancing meerkat animation, after you get 10 exercises right. Our research shows that nothing motivates users to learn languages more than dancing meerkats!
- Made several improvements to the Help system. When Meerling winks (meerkat mascot upper right) it means help is available. Tap Meerling to display a Help bubble.
- Improved Daily Phrases notification so it appears long after the first app startup where it is usually ignored. Learning a new phrase every day improves your probability of becoming fluent, so give it a try in More > Settings.
- Decreased the delay between exercise scoring and the Continue button, so you can move through lessons faster.
- Fixed issue which caused phrases not be pronounced if you tapped on them in rapid succession.
- Enhanced Vidalingua Plus screen with a clearer explanation of the 1-week, free trial.
- Changed Learn Language selection in Settings so it is no longer linked to the iOS language setting.
- Improved launch screen on app startup.
- Delayed app rating prompt. Why do we ask? Because 5-star ratings make it possible for us to invest more in updates.
- Added “Try Lingidy” option to the More menu, because if you haven't already, you should really try our new app Lingidy!
- Minor improvements to localization, in-app help and screen layouts.
If you have any issues with this update, please email
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